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Postcards From The Zoo

Clip 3

by Edwin

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Lana's memories started 20 years ago, when her father left her alone in the zoo. She was raised by a giraffe trainer and lived at the zoo, enjoying: the sound of the Hippo’s steps, the flapping of the elephant’s ears, and the strange, flute-like sound of the giraffe. Lana grew up full of joy. Over time, she forgets her father. One day, a cowboy comes to the zoo. Lana falls for him. Soon, she becomes his assistant in performing magic. The town loves them and they host their own TV show. One day, Cowboy sets a fire performance. As the fire is gone, he has also disappeared. The boss, who picked them from the street, sells Lana to Planet Spa. Lana no longer knows happiness. She has only the feeling of longing for Cowboy and the zoo.

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