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5 Broken Cameras

Trailer [FR]

by Emad Burnat, Guy Davidi

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There are five cameras – each with a story of their own. When his fourth son, Gibreel, is born in 2005, self-taught cameraman Emad Burnat, a Palestinian villager, gets his first camera. At the same time in his village of Bil’in, a separation barrier is being built and the villagers begin to resist this decision. For the next year, Burnat films this struggle, which is led by two of his best friends, while at the same time recording the growth of his son. Very soon, these events begin to affect his family and his own life. Daily arrests, violent attacks, bulldozers knocking down olive trees, the loss of life and night raids in the village scare his family. His friends, brothers and even himself are either shot or arrested. One camera after another used to document these events is shot or smashed. Each camera unfolds a part of history and his story. Eventually, in 2009 Burnat approaches Israeli filmmaker Guy Davidi and together from these five broken cameras and the stories that they represent, these two filmmakers create the film.

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