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Our War

Clip 2 [en st it]

by Benedetta Argentieri, Bruno Chiaravalloti, Claudio Jampaglia

mp4 (800x450) [12 MB]

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An American ex-Marine, an unemployed Italian communist, a Swedish bodyguard, three young men with one choice in common: enrolling as volunteers in the Peoples Protection Units (YPG) in Rojava, the region controlled under Kurdish control in northern Syria. Karim, Joshua and Rafael are foreign fighters: Westerners who have left their families and their security to go on the field and fight against the self-declared Islamic State. Their footage in the most difficult and most important theater of war of recent decades intersects in the documentary with their daily lives in the United States, Sweden, and Italy, as does the memory of their dead comrades and their intention to continue supporting the Kurdish struggle by other means. Their choices beg a question that regards all of us: who are they fighting for?

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