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Dream Boat

Teaser 5 [ov]

by Tristan Ferland Milewski

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It’s raining men. They come from 89 nations and float on a cruise ship along the Spanish east coast. Sun, sea, naked skin, and lots of testosterone stoke the vibes. The countdown is on for seven days of hunting for love, happiness, and eternal youth: the promise for gay men of the DREAM BOAT. For months, the passengers have been eagerly waiting for this journey. They pump up their bodies, purchase push-up swimwear to increase their chances of success, and fill their suitcases with sexy outfits and glamorous costumes. For the men the trip on the DREAM BOAT is a liberation from political, social, or internal boundaries. The free life so many have dreamed of finally seems to become real here. Day and night melt with the rhythm of party music. In the floating state of this dreamy journey, the protagonists are confronted with their own reality all the harder for it. Under the seemingly paradisiacal surface, the basic themes of their lives shine through: the question of old-age lifestyles, of family, the search for belonging, the desire for self-acceptance, love, and partnership. At the same time they are confronted with the body cult of the gay community and feel that they can also be quite lonely among 3,000 potential future partners. The holiday trip unexpectedly turns into an inner odyssey, a trip to everyone’s own core. We follow five men from Poland, Palestine, India, France and Austria. For some of them it is dangerous to live life authentically in their home countries. On board they are looking for love and a satisfying future. How many hopes will the DREAM BOAT finally fulfil?

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