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Clip 04 - Le foto [it]

by Pierluigi Di Lallo

mp4 (800x450) [4 MB]

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In Abruzzo, the family of Giulio, Veronica and their little son Marzio lives happily. Giulio is a likable man who likes the countryside and who is friends with the city councillor, Cesario. Giulio and Cesario often organize family soccer games, which then are followed by lavish buffets. Veronica too is quite happy — she enjoys the tranquil life of her town with her friends but recognizes that her little son Marzio wants a little brother. After several tests, Giulio discovers that he is infertile and doesn’t know how to deal with the situation. In fact, he distances himself from his marital responsibilities… His friends make efforts to keep his family together and to regain the happy state they used to enjoy.

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