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Ardalan Esmaili • Actor

"Hopefully I will be respected more as an actor and not just a 'terrorist' actor!"

BERLIN 2019: We sat down with Swedish actor Ardalan Esmaili, selected for the 2019 Shooting Stars

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Raised in Sweden by Iranian parents, Ardalan Esmaili studied at Stockholm's University of Dramatic Arts. Upon graduating he performed his much talked-about monologue "No Title" at Stockholm Civic Theatre and worked with stellar names from Sweden's acting world at The Royal Dramatic Theatre. Having become a familiar face to audiences via his TV roles, Esmaili captured the international audience in 2017 with his performance in Milad Alami's film The Charmer [+see also:
film review
interview: Ardalan Esmaili
interview: Milad Alami
film profile
and in the TV series Greyzone in 2018. Esmaili is at work on Sea Fever by Neasa Hardiman and Can You See The Moon, Daniel, by Niels Arden Oplev.

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