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CANNES 2022 Special Screenings

Shaunak Sen • Director of All That Breathes

"The most important thing was to build a relationship of trust to be able to shoot with the whole family"

by Sylvie Lazzarini, Teresa Vena

CANNES 2022: New Delhi’s notoriously polluted air is in the centre of the acclaimed documentary by the Indian filmmaker, which has received the festival's Golden Eye award

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Two brothers, black kite raptors and New Delhi’s notoriously polluted air are in the centre of All That Breathes [+see also:
film review
interview: Shaunak Sen
film profile
, the acclaimed documentary by Indian filmmaker Shaunak Sen, which had already won the Grand Jury Prize in Sundance's World Cinema Documentary Competition and has now received the Golden Eye award after its Special Screening at the 75th Cannes Film Festival.

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