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BLACK NIGHTS 2024 Competition

Juris Kursietis • Director of The Exalted

"I wanted the story to be a clash between art and money"

by Ana Stanic

The filmmaker discusses his follow-up to his Cannes Directors' Fortnight entry Oleg, about a German organist who discovers her Latvian husband's involvement in a corruption scandal

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Latvian filmmaker Juris Kursietis discusses his follow-up to his Cannes Directors' Fortnight entry Oleg [+see also:
film review
interview: Juris Kursietis
film profile
, the 28th Black Nights Film Festival competition entry The Exalted [+see also:
film review
interview: Juris Kursietis
film profile
, which follows a renowned German organist Anna who discovers her Latvian husband's involvement in a corruption scandal, shaking the foundation of their life together.

See also

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