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by Elisa Amoruso

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Four extraordianrily emblematic experiences will make it possible to investigate what the passage of fame, of the spotlight, of visibility multiplied by magazines, advertising, and commercials can mean in a child's life. A single family nucleus, united and protected by beauty worship. Little women, extremely well-mantained, regulars at the gyms and the beauty salon, in search of an opportunity, a chance to shine again - and their mother who, more than they, and perhaps more tenaciously, takes great pains to massage these possibilitiess, proudly claiming "I raised them well". Their days. We follow each member of this blonde quartet, with their private trajectories and shared objectives: entering Accademia della Moda for Giò, the new Miss Mascotte selections for Francesca, Valentina's auditions for Il Collegio, and their mother Cristina's departure for Ibiza. An open reflection on beauty, on the worship of appearance, on what it means to be a girl, a teenager, a mother, in continuous play of references between past and present.

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