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Hesitation Wound

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by Selman Nacar

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mp4 (1920x804) 1:29

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Nesrin, is an idealistic criminal lawyer from a small town who spends her mornings in the courthouse and her evenings in the hospital by her mother’s side who lives connected to the respirator. The film is set on the day of the verdict hearing for a murder suspect whom Nesrin labored for for a long time. During the hearing, which was delayed due to the health condition of the judge's daughter, our trust in the defendant starts to shift positively. Yet, as soon as the hearing takes a break, Nesrin learns that the suspect had actually committed the crime, but had done so with a virtuous cause. Nesrin feels stuck in between feelings of law and justice. She intends to defend the suspect, but it’s apparent that the verdict will be against the defendant. The judge is forced to postpone the verdict announcement. At the hospital, Nesrin learns that she might help the judge’s daughter. Nesrin must make a moral choice that will affect the lives of her mother, the judge, and the accused.

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