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VENICE 2023 Giornate degli Autori

Alessandro Roia • Director of With the Grace of a God

"My interest lay in making a film that would be unyielding and wouldn't pander to visual trends"

by Vittoria Scarpa, Emanuele Basso

VENICE 2023: The Italian actor steps behind the camera for the first time to follow a man who, after the death of one of his old friends, is forced to confront the ghosts of his past

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(In Italian)

Italian actor Alessandro Roia steps behind the movie camera for the first time with With the Grace of a God [+see also:
interview: Alessandro Roia
film profile
, directing Tommaso Ragno in the role of a man who, after the mysterious death of one of his old friends, is forced to confront the ghosts of his past. The film won the SIAE Award for Creative Talent in the 20th Giornate degli Autori, where it was presented in Venetian Nights.

See also

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