Other videos

400 other videos available in total starting from 29/08/2002. Last updated on 03/09/2023. 4 other videos inserted in the last 12 months.

Video Musicale - Jovanotti [IT]

Kiss Me Again by Gabriele Muccino

World premiere [GB]

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 1 by David Yates

Italy - Entertainment world to shut down in protest

La protesta del mondo dello spettacolo  

Anterima mondiale [IT]

Sherlock Holmes by Guy Ritchie

Premiere [DK]

Nothing's All Bad by Mikkel Munch-Fals

Press Conference James Ivory [IT]

The City of Your Final Destination by James Ivory

Brussels Film Festival 2010

Cinema lesson by Jaco Van Dormael

A cinema lesson given by Jaco Van Dormael and organised by the Association of Francophone Film Directors at the Brussels Film Festival 2010  

Video - European Film Awards 2009

EFA 2009 - The red carpet

European film stars and guests arriving at the red carpet of the 22nd European Film Awards ceremony  

Video - European Film Awards 2009

EFA 2009 - Press conference

EFA–winning directors Michael Haneke, Peter Liechti and Ken Loach took part of the press conference which followed the EFA 2009 ceremony  

Seville European Film Festival - EFA

EFA Nominations

European Film Awards nominees presentation at the Seville Film Festival 2009  

Clip - European Cinema Festival Les Arcs

The clip of the first edition of the Festival

Located in the heart of the Alps, in one of the most beautiful ski areas in the world, the festival provides the opportunity to take advantage of the first...  

Event - Premiers Plans

Angers 2009. Images from the Festival

A tour through the 21st edition of "European First Film Festival"  

Video - Trieste Film Festival 2009

From Joyce to Madonna

Images from the Festival, Roll Away the Reel World, the international conference and the locations  

Video - Trieste Film Festival 2009

Exhibition James Joyce

Images of the exhibition "1909-2009: Trieste a Dublino – J. Joyce e il Cinema Volta"  

Video - Trieste Film Festival 2009

Preparation II - Trieste Film Festival

Images of the preparation of the Trieste Film Festival 2009  

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