Other videos

400 other videos available in total starting from 29/08/2002. Last updated on 03/09/2023. 4 other videos inserted in the last 12 months.

Filmtipp [DE]

The Dark Valley by Andreas Prochaska

Filmtipp [DE]

Vaterfreuden by Matthias Schweighöfer

Special [DE]

Famous Five 3 by Mike Marzuk

Filmtipp [DE]

12 Years a Slave by Steve McQueen

(2 other videos available)  


Philomena by Stephen Frears

(2 other videos available)  

Ivan Leal recomienda The Grandmaster [ES]

The Grandmaster by Wong Kar-Wai

Filmtipp [DE]

Buddy by Michael Bully Herbig

Filmtipp [DE]

Walking with Dinosaurs by Barry Cook, Neil Nightingale

(2 other videos available)  

Joshua Oppenheimer • Director

Press Conference

Joshua Oppenheimer • Director

US director talks during the press conference after the European Film Awards ceremony  

European Film Awards 2013

Press Conference

European Film Awards 2013

European Film Awards 2013: Paolo Sorrentino’s The Great Beauty wons four prizes including Best Director, Best Actor, Best Editing and Best Film  

European Film Awards 2013


European Film Awards 2013

Paolo Sorrentino’s film wins four European Film Awards including Best Director, Best Actor, Best Editing and Best Film. La Cage Dorée receives the European...  

Featurette Visual Effects [DE]

The Physician by Philipp Stölzl

(2 other videos available)  

Premiere [DE]

Jesus Loves Me by Florian David Fitz

Filmtipp [DE]

African Safari 3D by Ben Stassen

EFA announces candidates for its annual film awards in Sevilla

European Film Awards 2013 - Nominations Ceremony

EFA announces candidates for its annual film awards in Sevilla

Watch Live here! Saturday, November 9, 12pm  

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