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Emerging Producers

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147 artículos disponibles en total a partir del 01/03/2016. Último artículo publicado el 28/03/2024.

Filipa Reis  • Producer

Entrevista: Filipa Reis • Producer

"Treat documentary film as if it were fiction; give it the same importance"

We met up with Filipa Reis, Emerging Producer 2017 from guest country Portugal, to discuss her work with the production company Uma Pedra No Sapato  


Adriana Trujillo  • Producer

Entrevista: Adriana Trujillo • Producer

"At the end, documentary is a form of poetry and rhetoric"

We met up with Adriana Trujillo, Emerging Producer 2017 from guest country Mexico, to discuss her work with the production company Polen  


Jean-Laurent Csinidis • Producer

Entrevista: Jean-Laurent Csinidis • Producer

"I am embodying the limits that reality imposes on the creative process"

We met up with Jean-Laurent Csinidis, Emerging Producer 2017 from France, to discuss his work for his company Films de Force Majeure  


Jasmina Sijerčić • Producer

Entrevista: Jasmina Sijerčić • Producer

"I’m involved in the creative process from the beginning till the end"

Bocalupo Films' Jasmina Sijerčić, Emerging Producer 2017 from Bosnia and Herzegovina, discusses her work  


Estephania Bonnett Alonso • Producer

Entrevista: Estephania Bonnett Alonso • Producer

"Planning for project funding also means to dream"

Estephania Bonnett Alonso, Emerging Producer 2016 from Colombia, the guest country of the edition, produces for company Black Factory Cinema. We met up with her to discuss her work  


Caroline Deeds • Producer

Entrevista: Caroline Deeds • Producer

"One of my greatest lessons has been learning the dark art of compromise"

Caroline Deeds, Emerging Producer 2016 from the United Kingdom, works for production company Pitch Black Films and decyphers being a documentary producer  


Danuta Krasnohorska • Producer

Entrevista: Danuta Krasnohorska • Producer

"Understanding what the first impulse for a film was helps me do my job"

CoLab Pictures' Danuta Krasnohorska, Emerging Producer 2016 from Poland, talks about what a documentary producer needs to be successful  


Madeline Robert • Producer

Entrevista: Madeline Robert • Producer

"I succeed when I love the film I produce"

Madeline Robert, Emerging Producer 2016 from France, works for Les Films de la caravane. We have met up with her to discuss the profession  


Emile Hertling Péronard • Producer

Entrevista: Emile Hertling Péronard • Producer

"There are no experts in the field of documentary production"

Emile Hertling Péronard, Emerging Producer 2016 working in Denmark (Emile Péronard) and Greenland (Ánorâk Film), talks about documentary production  


Antra Gaile • Producer

Entrevista: Antra Gaile • Producer

“The conventional path is no longer the only one”

Antra Gaile, producer for Latvian company Mistrus Media and Emerging Producer 2016 from the country, deciphers her work  


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