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Berlinale 2024 – EFM

Informe de industria: Distribución, exhibición y streaming

Las italianas TVCO y Minerva Pictures firman un acuerdo de ventas internacionales


BERLINALE 2024: Las dos compañías adquirirán películas conjuntamente y reunirán más de 2.000 títulos, entre nuevos y viejos

Las italianas TVCO y Minerva Pictures firman un acuerdo de ventas internacionales
El director ejecutivo de Minerva Pictures Gianluca Curti (izquierda) y el de TVCO Vincenzo Mosca

Este artículo está disponible en inglés.

At the European Film Market (15-21 February), Rome-based outfits TVCO and Minerva Pictures have sealed an international sales partnership. As part of the agreement, both firms jointly acquire movies, share expertise and bring together over 2,000 films ranging from new releases to library titles. The shared goal is “to compete more effectively with international sales agents on acquiring bigger films, from high-end drama to genre, and series”, while aiming to board both Italian and international titles. The announcement was first reported by Screen International.

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The two companies will each retain their own names and have stated that they expect to increase consolidated sales by at least 40% over the course of the first two years of the partnership.

Founded in 1953, Minerva Pictures is one of Italy’s most prominent outfits active in production and international sales. Meanwhile, TVCO has emerged as one of the most active world-sales players in the field of arthouse films, while also acting as a production company.

Commenting on the deal, Minerva Pictures CEO Gianluca Curti said: “We think that joining forces with TVCO, a company that has proven experience in distributing independent films, will be beneficial to diversify and broaden Minerva’s strategy.”

Vincenzo Mosca, CEO of TVCO, added: “Together with Minerva Pictures, we will have the opportunity to maximise our capabilities and create synergies that will bring tangible benefits to both companies.”

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