Industria / Mercado - Europa
Informe de industria: Tendencias del mercado
El Observatorio Audiovisual Europeo señala un descenso del número de espectadores y una creciente disponibilidad de películas europeas
El informe ofrece un análisis detallado del rendimiento y la accesibilidad de las películas europeas entre 2014 y 2023, tanto en sus países de origen como a nivel internacional

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The European Audiovisual Observatory (EAO) recently published a new study titled “Made in Europe – Theatrical Distribution of European Films Across the Globe 2014-2023”, authored by Manuel Fioroni.
The report provides a comprehensive overview of the performance and availability of European films from 2014-2023, both nationally and internationally. In detail, it highlights key market trends, while examining the most active film production countries and showcasing the top movies of the past decade.
The study’s findings are based on an analysis of annual title-by-title admissions data sourced from European national databases for European markets, and Comscore for non-European markets and Sweden. Admissions data for European markets is publicly accessible via the LUMIERE database.
The analysis encompasses all feature films with at least one commercial theatrical screening in the covered markets, including new releases, re-releases, holdovers, retrospectives and paid festival screenings. However, short-film compilations, series and alternative content screenings were excluded.
The report covers admissions data from 53 global markets (36 in Europe and 17 outside Europe). For time series analyses, only markets with consistent admissions data from 2014-2023 were included (a total of 45 markets). Aggregate admissions figures were estimated for Japan (2014-2016) and Russia (2022-2023).
The document’s first key finding shows that, excluding the pandemic years, the global availability of European films in theatres has steadily increased over the past decade, surpassing 3,300 titles in 2023 (3,349, marking a 7.8% increase on 2022 figures).
While admissions to European films have declined, remaining 35% below the pre-pandemic average, their share of global admissions has held relatively stable, fluctuating between 5% and 10% over the past decade.
Moreover, national markets now account for a growing proportion of admissions to European films, with 68% of admissions in 2023 occurring in their country of origin, reducing the share of export admissions. Non-European markets have seen a notable decline in export admissions, particularly in North America and Asia.
Notably, French films dominate among European productions in circulation: from 2014-2023, they represented 20% of European movies on release and accounted for 33% of total admissions to European motion pictures.
Meanwhile, European “blockbusters” have become less frequent, with the number of films achieving over one million admissions dropping by 43% compared to pre-pandemic years. In 2023, only 41 titles reached this milestone.
Lastly, animated films continue to outperform fiction and documentaries internationally. In terms of export admissions, animation accounted for half of the top ten European films in 2023, including the top two positions.
The study is available to peruse in full here.
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