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Venecia 2022 – Venice Production Bridge

Informe de industria: Europa y el resto del mundo

La International Coalition for Filmmakers at Risk reafirma su misión en Venecia


VENECIA 2022: Según los participantes, es el momento para pasar a la acción y expandir las operaciones de la organización

La International Coalition for Filmmakers at Risk reafirma su misión en Venecia
(i-d): Orwa Nyrabia, Kaveh Farnam, Mike Downey, Sinem Sakaoglu y Vanja Kaludjercic

Este artículo está disponible en inglés.

On 3 September, an international panel titled “Filmmakers Under Attack: Taking Stock, Taking Action” was held at the Palazzo del Casinò, in the press-conference room. The event saw the participation of Venice Film Festival director Alberto Barbera, International Film Festival Rotterdam director Vanja Kaludjercic, Turkish director Sinem Sakaoglu, IDFA director Orwa Nyrabia, president of the European Film Academy Mike Downey and Iranian producer Kaveh Farnam.

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Kaludjercic talked through the International Coalition for Filmmakers at Risk’s (ICFR’s) first three years of activity and how it has helped filmmakers from Afghanistan, Egypt, Myanmar, Iran and Ukraine. She mentioned that the organisation was able to raise €420,000, which has been used to help Ukrainian filmmakers pay for visas, emergency relocation and shelter, and cover other subsistence expenses (see the news).

Meanwhile, Nyrabia explained how the ICFR has helped 800 filmmakers and their families in Afghanistan, 60% of whom have been relocated to safer countries. Recent individual cases were also cited bearing in mind the current sociopolitical context, which is proving more and more dangerous for filmmakers. The speakers mentioned the stories of Motaz Atowab, Çiğdem Mater and Jafar Panahi, the latter having been sentenced to six years in prison in June after being apprehended for criticising the government over the arrest of his fellow Iranian filmmakers.

The festival organisers will stage a flash mob on 9 September at 4.30 pm, ahead of the premiere of Panahi’s competition title No Bears, in collaboration with the ICFR in order to protest against the arrest of the helmer and to show solidarity with other persecuted filmmakers.

Downey highlighted the urgency of expanding the organisation and gaining more resources to protect filmmakers at risk: “We need more partners; we need more funds in order to expand these operations. We cannot only be active; we must be proactive, and in order to do this, we have to set up a monitoring system.”

“The war in Ukraine has shown how fast the ICFR can raise funds from the film industry, and this can make a huge difference,” added Kaludjercic.

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