Películas 2016
1249 fichas de películas disponibles en total.
Búsqueda por país u por letra.
- I Am Not a Serial Killer [UK, IE] (2016)
de Billy O’Brien - I Am Not Your Negro [FR, US, BE, CH] (2016)
de Raoul Peck - I Called Him Morgan [SE] (2016)
de Kasper Collin - I Go Back Home - Jimmy Scott [DE, US] (2016)
de Yoon-ha Chang - I Had Nowhere to Go [DE] (2016)
de Douglas Gordon - I Love You - A Divorce Comedy [SE] (2016)
de Johan Brisinger - I’m a Killer [PL] (2016)
de Maciej Pieprzyca - I Still Hide to Smoke [FR, GR, DZ] (2016)
de Rayhana Obermeyer - I Was a Dreamer [IT] (2016)
de Michele Vannucci - La idea de un lago [CH, AR, QA] (2016)
de Milagros Mumenthaler - The Ideal [FR] (2016)
de Frédéric Beigbeder - Igelak [ES] (2016)
de Patxo Tellería - Il a déjà tes yeux [FR, BE] (2016)
de Lucien Jean-Baptiste - Il Clan dei Ricciai [IT] (2016)
de Pietro Mereu - Illegitimate [RO, PL, FR] (2016)
de Adrian Sitaru - The Impossible Picture [AT, DE] (2016)
de Sandra Wollner - In Search of the Lost Father [RO] (2016)
de Ionut Teianu - In the Blood [DK] (2016)
de Rasmus Heisterberg - In The Forest [FR, SE] (2016)
de Gilles Marchand - In the Forests of Siberia [FR] (2016)
de Safy Nebbou - In the Last Days of the City [EG, UK, DE, AE] (2016)
de Tamer El Said - In the Shadow of Iris [FR, BE] (2016)
de Jalil Lespert - In View [IE] (2016)
de Ciaran Creagh - Incarnation [RS] (2016)
de Filip Kovačević - Inches Above The Ground [BG] (2016)
de Maxim Genchev - L'Inclinaison des chapeaux [CH] (2016)
de Antonin Schopfer, Thomas Szczepanski - Indivisible [IT] (2016)
de Edoardo De Angelis - El infiltrado [UK, US] (2016)
de David Farr - Informe general II. El nuevo rapto de Europa [ES] (2016)
de Pere Portabella - Las inocentes [FR, PL, BE] (2016)
de Anne Fontaine - Inside [ES] (2016)
de Miguel Ángel Vivas - Inside a Volcano - The Rise of Icelandic Football [IS] (2016)
de Sævar Guðmundsson - Intercambio por Navidad [NO] (2016)
de Terje Rangnes - Into the Inferno [UK, DE, CA] (2016)
de Werner Herzog - El Invierno [AR, FR] (2016)
de Emiliano Torres - L'Invitation [FR] (2016)
de Michaël Cohen - Iqbal & the Superchip [DK] (2016)
de Oliver Zahle - Ira [ES] (2016)
de Jota Aronak - Isola [FR] (2016)
de Fabianny Deschamps - It's Not the Time of My Life [HU] (2016)
de Szabolcs Hajdu - It's Not Yet Dark [IE] (2016)
de Frankie Fenton
- Jackie [US, UK, CL, FR, VG] (2016)
de Pablo Larraín - Jacques [FR, BE] (2016)
de Jérôme Salle - Je suis resté dans les bois [BE] (2016)
de Vincent Solheid, Erika Sainte, Michaël Bier - Je veux être actrice [FR, BE] (2016)
de Frédéric Sojcher - Jean Ziegler, the Optimism of Willpower [CH] (2016)
de Nicolas Wadimoff - Jeffrey [FR, DO] (2016)
de Yanillys Perez - Jericó, el infinito vuelo de los días [FR, CO] (2016)
de Catalina Mesa - Jesús [FR, DE, CH, GR, CO] (2016)
de Fernando Guzzoni - Jet Trash [UK, IN] (2016)
de Charles Henri Belleville