Películas 2016
1250 fichas de películas disponibles en total.
Búsqueda por país u por letra.
Hungría [HU]
- 6.9 on the Richter Scale [RO, BG, HU] (2016)
de Nae Caranfil - The Carer [UK, HU] (2016)
de Janos Edelenyi - The Citizen [HU] (2016)
de Roland Vranik - It's Not the Time of My Life [HU] (2016)
de Szabolcs Hajdu - Just Drop Dead [HU] (2016)
de Zoltán Kamondi - Keep Quiet [UK, HU] (2016)
de Sam Blair, Joseph Martin - Kills on Wheels [HU] (2016)
de Attila Till - Lily Lane [HU] (2016)
de Benedek Fliegauf - Loop [HU] (2016)
de Isti Madarász - A Lovasíjász [HU] (2016)
de Kaszás Géza - The Man Who Was Thursday [US, HU, IT, RO] (2016)
de Balazs Juszt - Strangled [HU] (2016)
de Árpád Sopsits - That Trip We Took with Dad [DE, RO, HU, SE] (2016)
de Anca Miruna Lăzărescu - Think of Me [HU] (2016)
de András Kern - Well [HU] (2016)
de Attila Gigor
India [IN]
- Brahman Naman [UK, IN] (2016)
de Q - Jet Trash [UK, IN] (2016)
de Charles Henri Belleville - Machines [IN, DE, FI] (2016)
de Rahul Jain - El otro lado de la puerta [UK, IN] (2016)
de Johannes Roberts - Shadows of Paradise [FR, US, CA, UA, RU, IN] (2016)
de Sebastian Lange - The Kali of Emergency [DE, IN] (2016)
de Ashish Avikunthak - Tierra de dioses [RS, IN] (2016)
de Goran Paskaljevic - Where to, Miss? [DE, IN] (2016)
de Manuela Bastian
Irlanda [IE]
- Amor y amistad [IE, NL, FR] (2016)
de Whit Stillman - Brother [BE, IE] (2016)
de Geoffrey Enthoven - Cardboard Gangsters [IE] (2016)
de Mark O’Connor - A Dark Song [IE, UK] (2016)
de Liam Gavin - A Date for Mad Mary [IE] (2016)
de Darren Thornton - Dead Along the Way [IE] (2016)
de Maurice O'Carroll - La decisión del rey [NO, IE] (2016)
de Erik Poppe - Further Beyond [IE] (2016)
de Joe Lawlor, Christine Molloy - Handsome Devil [IE] (2016)
de John Butler - History's Future [NL, DE, IE] (2016)
de Fiona Tan - I Am Not a Serial Killer [UK, IE] (2016)
de Billy O’Brien - In View [IE] (2016)
de Ciaran Creagh - It's Not Yet Dark [IE] (2016)
de Frankie Fenton - The Land of the Enlightened [BE, NL, IE, DE] (2016)
de Pieter-Jan De Pue - Making It [IE] (2016)
de Eamonn Norris - Mammal [IE, LU, NL] (2016)
de Rebecca Daly - Maudie, el color de la vida [IE, CA] (2016)
de Aisling Walsh - Moon Dogs [UK, IE] (2016)
de Philip John - Out of Innocence [IE, UK] (2016)
de Danny Hiller - Sanctuary [UK, IE, CA, US] (2016)
de David Redmon, Ashley Sabin - School Life [IE, ES] (2016)
de Neasa Ní Chianáin, David Rane - The Secret Scripture [IE] (2016)
de Jim Sheridan