Películas 2017
1328 fichas de películas disponibles en total.
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Suiza [CH]
- Blue My Mind [CH] (2017)
de Lisa Brühlmann - Boomerang [CH, BE] (2017)
de Nicole Borgeat - La buena esposa [UK, DK, SE, CH, US] (2017)
de Björn Runge - A Campaign of Their Own [CH] (2017)
de Lionel Rupp, Michael David Mitchell - Candelaria [CO, DE, NO, AR, CU, CH] (2017)
de Jhonny Hendrix - Chaco [AR, IT, CH] (2017)
de Danièle Incalcaterra, Fausta Quattrini - CHoosing at Twenty [CH, DZ] (2017)
de Villi Hermann - The Congo Tribunal [DE, CH] (2017)
de Milo Rau - The Dispossessed [CH, CA] (2017)
de Mathieu Roy - Double Sentence [CH, CA] (2017)
de Léa Pool - Farewell to Africa [CH] (2017)
de Pierre-Alain Meier - Fauves [CH, BE, LU] (2017)
de Robin Erard - Favela Olímpica [CH] (2017)
de Samuel Chalard - Fell in Love with a Girl [CH] (2017)
de Kaleo La Belle - Finding Camille [CH] (2017)
de Bindu De Stoppani - Le Fort des fous [DZ, GR, FR, DE, CH, QA] (2017)
de Narimane Mari - Foxtrot [IL, CH, DE, FR] (2017)
de Samuel Maoz - The Frog [CH] (2017)
de Jann Preuss - Ghost Hunting [FR, CH, PS, QA] (2017)
de Raed Andoni - Goliath [CH] (2017)
de Dominik Locher - Gotthard - One Life, One Soul [CH] (2017)
de Kevin Merz - The Great Journey [CH] (2017)
de David Maye - Las guardianas [FR, CH] (2017)
de Xavier Beauvois - Guilty by Innocence [FR, BE, CH] (2017)
de Pierre Barnérias - Hotel Jugoslavija [CH, RS] (2017)
de Nicolas Wagnières - I Am Gentrification. Confessions of a Scoundrel [CH] (2017)
de Thomas Haemmerli - Impasse [CH] (2017)
de Elise Shubs - The Intruder [IT, CH, FR] (2017)
de Leonardo Di Costanzo - Lust For Sight [CH, FR] (2017)
de Manuel von Stürler - Malévoz [CH, FR] (2017)
de Anne Theurillat - Mayskaya Street [CH, BY] (2017)
de Gabriel Tejedor - Of Sheep and Men [CH, FR, QA] (2017)
de Karim Sayad - El orden divino [CH] (2017)
de Petra Volpe - The Paris Opera [CH, FR] (2017)
de Jean-Stéphane Bron - Piazza Grande [CH] (2017)
de Misha Györik, Michael Beltrami - Pietra tenera [CH] (2017)
de Aurélie Mertenat - Retour au palais [CH, FR] (2017)
de Yamina Zoutat - Rewind [CH] (2017)
de Pedro Joaquim - Roped Up [CH] (2017)
de Frédéric Favre - Rue de Blamage [CH] (2017)
de Aldo Gugolz - Sarah Plays a Werewolf [CH, DE] (2017)
de Katharina Wyss - Sicilian Ghost Story [IT, FR, CH] (2017)
de Antonio Piazza, Fabio Grassadonia - The Song of Scorpions [CH, FR, SG] (2017)
de Anup Singh - Soy un rayo de sol en la Tierra [CH, GE] (2017)
de Elene Naveriani - The Stand-in [IT, CH, FR] (2017)
de Rä di Martino - The Benefit of the Doubt [BE, FR, CH] (2017)
de Samuel Tilman - Those Who Are Fine [CH] (2017)
de Cyril Schäublin - Unlocked [UK, CZ, CH, US] (2017)
de Michael Apted - Vacuum [CH] (2017)
de Christine Repond - The Venerable W. [FR, CH] (2017)
de Barbet Schroeder