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Puk Eisenhardt • Productora, GotFat Production

"Todos necesitamos escuchar hablar sobre las próximas Malala, Greta o Rosa”


- Entrevista con Puk Eisenhardt, productora para la danesa GotFat Production y seleccionada para el programa 2020 de Emerging Producers

Puk Eisenhardt • Productora, GotFat Production

Este artículo está disponible en inglés.

Interview with Puk Eisenhardt, producer for Danish company GotFat Production and selected for the 2020 Emerging Producers programme.

Why do you produce documentaries? Do you understand documentary film as an instrument of social and political change?
Puk Eisenhardt:
There are so many important stories to tell from all around the world which can inspire people and the world we live in. We need to share our experiences, so we can share our knowledge and enlighten each other. 

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I tend to work with young female directors who tell stories of female characters that want to change the world we live in and how we see it. No matter whether the film is made in the countryside in Denmark or in the Himalayas – whether it’s about a woman in her eighties or a young girl, it is important to tell their story. 

We all need to hear about the next Malala, Greta or Rosa.

What qualities should a documentary producer have these days?
Passion and patience! 

What do you think is the future of distribution of documentary films?
With the boom of streaming culture, the future of documentary film is online. We’re always on the go while we want to be entertained. We rely on recommendations from our friends and people whose taste we trust, so we can select great works for our limited spare time. This also means that we as documentary makers have to promote our films in new ways to make their distribution outstanding.

What projects do you have under way (including in the area of fiction film and other projects)?
Our documentary film Pieces of Rebecca directed by Grit Tind Mikkelsen will premiere at CPH:DOX. It’s s documentary about young entrepreneur Rebecca Vera who has, after an existential collapse, stepped away from the established fashion industry to start up her own sustainable clothing brand Veras. It’s an intimate and poetic portrait of a passionate workaholic who is trying to find a balance between her profession and who she is.

The documentary The Drum Majorettes directed by Anne Svejgaard Lund about a group of young girls in the outskirts of Denmark will premiere in late summer 2020. They all come from different backgrounds but have a passion for music in common. We follow the girls in their teenage years at a time where they are dealing with boys, first love, friendship and most importantly – practicing their instrument.

Deepali, directed by Anne Svejgaard Lund, is the story of the remarkable woman, Deepali Sinha, who became the first Indian woman to climb a Himalayan mountain with an all-female crew in 1967. 50 years later, at the age of 72, Deepali is determined to return to the mountains. In the film, we follow Deepali as she leads her team of 3 ladies, from the original team across India from their hectic big-city lives in Kolkata and into the deserted mountain areas of Himalaya where memories of their past are layered in every glacier, every vista, and every river.


Emerging Producers is a promotional and educational project, which brings together talented European documentary film producers. The programme is organised and curated by the Ji.hlava International Documentary Film Festival.

Deadline for applications to the Emerging Producers 2021 edition is 15 March, 2020.

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