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Luca Ferrario • Director del Trentino Film Fund and Commission

"Las producciones extranjeras están descubriendo una nueva imagen de Italia"


- El director del Trentino Film Fund and Commission, Luca Ferrario, nos cuenta cómo se recompensan las producciones que trabajan respetando el medio ambiente

Luca Ferrario  • Director del Trentino Film Fund and Commission

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T-Green Film: shooting movies sustainably. It’s a philosophy and now a level of certification which the Trentino Film Commission has been awarding to film productions since 2017. Luca Ferrario explains to us how films shot in an environmentally friendly fashion are rewarded, and tells us about the activities the Commission carries out in support of productions filmed in the Trentino region, in logistical and operational terms, and the funds made available to these films.

(El artículo continúa más abajo - Inf. publicitaria)

Cineuropa: The next edition of the MIA, the International Audiovisual Market which will run from 16 to 20 October in Rome, will be deemed a sustainable and eco-friendly event for the very first time, owing to a collaboration with the Trentino Film Commission (TFC). What does this collaboration consist of?
Luca Ferrario: It’s a partnership between one entity, the TFC, which is working to promote sustainability in the film sector, and the biggest Italian market in the sector, the MIA, whose organisers have understood the need to take action in this area and to show that our sector can set a good example. Together, we mapped out a path, a series of actions that were put into practice during the organisation of the event in terms of the materials used, paper usage, the exclusion of plastics, the caterers and suppliers chosen, etc. All these actions led to the event obtaining, for the first time, the European certification label ISO20121 which is awarded to sustainable events.

International film productions and TV series who come to the Trentino region to film are also adhering to the certification requirements. 
Yes, and more than we imagined. Productions working in Trentino can ask for a copy of our Green Film guidelines, which help filmmakers to show greater respect for the environment when working on movie sets and to obtain incentives and certification. At present, around 50% of our productions apply for certification; these include small companies as well as well-established producers. We also recently awarded the label to an international TV series Sanctuary for the very first time. It has to be said, this initiative has aroused a greal deal of interest abroad.

What have been the results of the Trentino FC and the Film Fund’s activities over the past few years?
Since our FC was founded, the number of productions made in Trentino, whether local or national, has risen year on year, and I would say that we’re now on a roll. One interesting fact is the rise in foreign productions discovering a new side of Italy which isn’t often seen on screen. Our activities have also expanded on other fronts, such as the green label explained earlier, and other initiatives relating to education and to the launch of Educa Immagine, an event specifically geared towards film education.

Why would filmmakers choose Trentino as a backdrop for their films or series? What does it offer, aside from the unquestionable beauty of its sites?
Without a doubt, these many sites help, but I think there are two main reasons why companies choose Trentino, aside from the obvious financial motivations: firstly, there’s the fact that the subsidies we offer are stable, regular and assigned according to clear and consistent criteria. This is hugely helpful for producers. Another reason is the level of services we provide, which we also receive excellent feedback on from producers. This isn’t so much a result of our activies, but rather the fact that we’re shored up by a well-organised region which is able to respond rapidly.

(El artículo continúa más abajo - Inf. publicitaria)

(Traducción del italiano)

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