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Nomintuya Baasankhuu • Directora, Film Nomad

"Gracias a nuestra colaboración con el Sundance Institute, queremos ofrecer a nuestros cineastas lo mejor en recursos y formación online"


- En 2023, Cineuropa participó en Film Nomad, el primer programa de formación y coaching para profesionales de Mongolia, y hablamos con su directora después de meses de trabajo

Nomintuya Baasankhuu • Directora, Film Nomad
Nomintuya Baasankhuu (quinta desde la izquierda) con la delegación de Mongolia en Cannes

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In the wake of the 2024 Cannes Film Festival, where several Mongolian projects were pitched, we caught up with Nomintuya Baasankhuu, director of the Film Nomad training and coaching programme, to take a deep dive into the scheme and the national film industry.

Cineuropa: Reflecting on Film Nomad's participation in Cannes this year, can you highlight the key milestones and achievements you have attained with the projects pitched by Mongolian authors and producers?
Nomintuya Baasankhuu:
In 2023, we provided comprehensive training and mentoring to our fellows, allowing them to develop their projects effectively. The selection of three Film Nomad 2023 fellows and their projects for an exclusive pitching session hosted by Screen International in collaboration with the Mongolian Film Council, where 40 industry professionals were invited to discuss possible collaborations from Mongolia, was a significant achievement. These projects, including Jagaa and the Driver by Ankhbayar Nyamdavaa and produced by Nyamdulam Tsedevsuren, Of Dogs and Doves by Ikhbayar Urchuud and The Seeds of Love by Bolorchimeg Ochirbat, were among the chosen projects that demonstrated the quality and potential of Mongolian filmmakers and their stories on the international stage. This is the first time that the Ministry of Culture and the Mongolian National Film Council have organised such an event, which helps to further develop our Film Nomad fellows project.

(El artículo continúa más abajo - Inf. publicitaria)

Even after the 2023 edition concluded, we made sure to continue supporting our filmmakers at Cannes by providing additional on-site mentoring and support, personally led by myself and our international project mentor, Ulrik Bolt, a Danish producer and board member of the European Producers Club. This hands-on assistance played a crucial role in helping the filmmakers refine their pitches and engage effectively with industry professionals at the event.

During the pitching sessions at Cannes, our filmmakers had an invaluable opportunity to receive feedback and explore potential collaborations with producers from Japan, Germany and other countries, who showed genuine interest in their projects. The presence of representatives from the Sundance lab and festival further expanded networking and collaboration opportunities for our filmmakers, opening doors to new possibilities and partnerships. For many of our filmmakers, this was their first experience at Cannes, granting them access to a diverse range of industry panels, workshops and films, and giving them the chance to network with international peers.

Can you share any specific challenges or learning experiences that the team and the Mongolian filmmakers have encountered over the past year in terms of advancing these projects? How have these experiences shaped the current direction and strategy of Film Nomad?
In our initiative's inaugural year, we achieved significant milestones, engaging over 300 participants and processing 221 applications from a diverse demographic. This effort culminated in the production of projects, with ten selected for the final round. However, we also faced challenges, including language barriers affecting 70% of the participants, a lack of screenwriting and co-production expertise, difficulties in pitching at an international level, and the absence of a robust producing network. Additionally, our stories could not be tailored to a specific region in the world.

To address these challenges, we have developed a strategic plan for 2024 and beyond, incorporating the following initiatives: a robust mentorship programme featuring distinguished filmmakers and screenwriters from Europe, Asia and the USA to provide comprehensive perspectives and tailored resources for each project; the mapping of international opportunities and networking resources for Mongolian filmmakers to facilitate access to global collaborations; and providing long-term support beyond the programme’s duration through ongoing mentorship, networking opportunities and resources to sustain filmmakers’ careers in the industry.

Looking ahead, what are the strategic goals and plans for Film Nomad in the coming year, particularly concerning the development and promotion of Mongolian film projects? Are there any new initiatives or collaborations that you are developing that were showcased at Cannes this year?
Our partnership with the Sundance Institute marks a significant milestone for our industry, as we aim to provide our filmmakers with top-tier online training and resources in Mongolian to ensure they do not face language barriers. This collaboration with Sundance Collab offers a year-long access to online training programmes in Mongolian, empowering our filmmakers with the tools and knowledge they need to excel in their craft and navigate the global landscape of filmmaking with confidence and proficiency.

Moreover, our unique programme focusing on pitching on a train ride to the Gobi will continue to be a highlight, featuring experts from Asia, the USA and Europe. This commitment underscores our strategy to provide worldwide perspectives on co-productions and tailor them to the specific needs of Mongolian stories, ensuring that our filmmakers receive diverse insights and guidance to enhance their projects.

(El artículo continúa más abajo - Inf. publicitaria)

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