El 32% de todas las películas y temporadas de televisión que figuran en las plataformas VoD son producciones europeas, según revela el nuevo informe de la OAE
- Sin embargo, las obras producidas en EE.UU. siguen siendo las predominantes, con un 49% de las películas y temporadas de televisión incluidas en estas plataformas
Este artículo está disponible en inglés.
The European Audiovisual Observatory has published a new report, titled “Film and TV Content in VoD Catalogues – 2022 Edition”. The study, authored by Christian Grece, aims to provide “a second global insight into the composition of TVoD, SVoD and FoD catalogues in the 27 member states of the European Union, looking at both film titles and TV seasons”.
In detail, the VoD catalogue data was collected through JustWatch and covers 971 VoD catalogues for film data and 497 VoD catalogues for data on TV seasons.
The main finding of the research shows that 32% of all works (films and TV seasons) found in VoD catalogues are of European origin (produced in one or more countries members of the Council of Europe). Out of this 32%, 21% is made up of EU27 productions (427,395 works), whilst 11% (209,314) are listed as “other European works” produced in countries members of the Council of Europe. US-produced works still hold the “lion’s share” with 49% of all works listed in VoD catalogues (995,684 works). Other international productions are 389,924, accounting for the remaining 19%.
Moreover, the research finds that EU27 works included in catalogues are mainly of non-national origin. Of all EU27 works in VoD catalogues, on average, 79% were of non-national origin in SVoD catalogues, 63% in TVoD and catalogues and 61% in films-on-demand (FoD) catalogues.
Next, the report notes that the highest share of national works out of EU27 works is found in FoD catalogues, whilst SVoD and TVoD services rely more on EU non-national works for their EU27 film and TV seasons offering than FoD services.
Finally, the study demonstrates that EU27 works circulated the best among countries in SVoD catalogues. “On average, an EU27 film was found in 5.2 countries in SVoD catalogues. On average, an EU27 origin TV season was found in three countries on SVoD, enhanced by the presence of several pan-European SVoD services in the sample. The lowest circulation for EU27 works was in FoD catalogues,” the official press release further explains.
(Traducción del inglés)