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Instituciones de ayuda a la producción de cortometrajes en Europa


- La ciudad francesa de Clemont-Ferrand acogió en febrero de 2009 el forum Euro Connection, primer forum sobre la coproducción de cortos en Europa organizado por la compañía Sauve Qui Peut le Court Métrage. El forum ha resultado de gran interés por la información detallada que facilitó sobre la producción de películas, instituciones y oportunidades financieras, junto con una serie de estadísticas generales presentadas por once países colaboradores.

Este artículo está disponible en inglés.

Short films are a fertile ground for renewed creativity, visual experimentation and emerging talents. They stand for the future of cinematographic and audiovisual creation in Europe. Making short films is also a training ground for directors and producers who will go on making feature films or television productions.
Responding to contemporary challenges for producing short films in Europe, the Clermont-Ferrand Short Film Market is proud to launch Euro Connection, the first European short film co-production forum.
For this occasion, a survey has been made to list the different short film production support institutions in Europe. For this first edition, the 10 partner countries of Euro Connection (Belgium, Estonia, France, Greece, Ireland, Lithuania, Norway, Poland, Romania and Switzerland) were studied as well as the Netherlands – 2009 Festival guest of honor.
For each country the national context of short film production and national and local financial opportunities have been set out. General information concerning the population, linguistic characteristics and also data on the national cinematographic business come from national institutions or European Audiovisual Observatory.
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