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El cine europeo supone alrededor del 25% de las películas de VOD disponibles en la Unión Europea


- El Observatorio Audiovisual Europeo ha examinado los catálogos de 68 servicios de VOD en la Unión Europea

El cine europeo supone alrededor del 25% de las películas de VOD disponibles en la Unión Europea

Este artículo está disponible en inglés.

The Strasbourg-based European Audiovisual Observatory, part of the Council of Europe, examined the catalogues of 68 transactional VOD services in the European Union (such as Apple’s iTunes, Microsoft’s Movies,, Chili TV, SF Anytime and 14 additional national TVOD services) in its new study. As the pie chart shows, EU films made up 23% of the films available in the VoD catalogues, and other European films accounted for another 2%.

(El artículo continúa más abajo - Inf. publicitaria)

This recent study differs from the 2015 edition of the same study: the current sample of 68 catalogues has a lower amount of national services and focuses more on pan-European and multi-country TVOD catalogues; this in return also affected the share of EU 28 films for the 68 TVOD catalogues. In particular,  the new edition includes Microsoft’s Movies catalogues in 14 countries, with a high share of US films.

The composition of the 68 TVOD catalogues by films share of region of origin (October 2016)

Compared with TVOD services, the Observatory’s report states that EU films made up 19% of the films on offer in the 37 SVOD catalogues examined (28 Netflix country catalogues, Viaplay, C More and 4 national SVOD services) in the latest report.

The composition of the 37 SVOD catalogues by films share of region of origin (October 2016)

Compared with the previous 2015 edition of this report, the sample of SVOD catalogues examined passed from only 8 Netflix catalogues to 28. This in return affected the share of EU 28 films in SVOD catalogues as most of the newly integrated Netflix catalogues had a share below 16% of EU28 films

Changes in national SVOD services: The catalogues of Filmin (ES - with a share of 61% of EU28 films in October 2015), Kinoplex (PL – with a share of EU 28 films of 54% in October 2015) and Yomvi (ES – with a share of EU 28 films of 41% in October 2015) are not part of this year’s SVOD sample. In addition to 20 Netflix catalogues, this also affected the share of EU28 films for SVOD catalogues.

This report was drafted for DG CONNECT of the European Commission by Gilles Fontaine, Head of the Observatory’s Department for Market information, and Christian Grece, Analyst within this department. Download it for free here.

(El artículo continúa más abajo - Inf. publicitaria)

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