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Luc Besson se encarama al primer puesto, según los nuevos datos de LUMIERE VOD


- El directorio del Observatorio Europeo de Audiovisual confirma que el francés es el director europeo con más películas disponibles en VoD en Europa

Luc Besson se encarama al primer puesto, según los nuevos datos de LUMIERE VOD
Lucy, de Luc Besson

Este artículo está disponible en inglés.

With 40,000 European film titles currently available on 367 VoD services in Europe, data from a new update of the European Audiovisual Observatory’s LUMIERE VOD – a directory of European films available on on-demand services in Europe – have revealed some interesting trends. While Luc Besson, of Nikita and Léon: The Professional fame, is the European director with the greatest number of films present on VoD in Europe, Stanley Kubrick’s classic 2001: A Space Odyssey still features among the top five European flicks.

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If we consider the 38,393 film titles in which a European country (EU-27 or Member of the Council of Europe) was the first production country, the top five production countries – Great Britain, France, Germany, Italy and Spain – accounted for 73% of all European titles available in VoD catalogues. According to the data, 30% of all European film titles available were co-productions between European countries, countries from other regions and European countries as minority co-producers, or movies in which a European country was the majority co-producer and countries from other regions minority co-producers. The main minority co-production countries were France, the USA, the UK, Italy and Germany.

When listing directors by film titles, Italy's Carlo Vanzina emerged victorious, ahead of such established names as Jean-Luc Godard, Claude Chabrol and Wim Wenders. However, when the number of film presences are taken into account (and no longer individual film titles), the list changes radically – with only Wenders and Ingmar Bergman being present in both – and the likes of Luc Besson and David Yates taking the top spots, followed by Danny Boyle, Roman Polański and Stephen Frears, respectively.

Finally, British flicks dominated the top-15 European films most commonly found in the 367 VoD catalogues, with 14 titles being produced or majority co-produced in the United Kingdom. Tom Hopper's musical Les Misérables [+lee también:
making of
ficha de la película
, Superman II and Besson's action vehicle starring Scarlett Johansson, Lucy [+lee también:
making of
ficha de la película
, took the prime spots, with 1997's Bean and 2001: A Space Odyssey rounding off the top five.

The data on VoD catalogues are for 46 European countries, representing all 27 Member States of the European Union and an additional 19 Members of the Council of Europe. LUMIERE VOD is supported by the European Commission’s Creative Europe – MEDIA programme. A new Observatory report on the content of VoD catalogues in Europe will be released in November.

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(Traducción del inglés)

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