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European Short Film Network lanza This Is Short en abril


- Cuatro festivales de cortometrajes europeos se unen para ofrecer contenido online, incluyendo una nueva competición llamada New Point of View

European Short Film Network lanza This Is Short en abril

Este artículo está disponible en inglés.

After four major players on the European short-film circuit – International Short Film Festival Oberhausen (Germany), the Go Short Festival in Nijmegen (Netherlands), the Short Waves Festival in Poznan (Poland) and the Vienna Shorts international short film festival (Austria) – came together to form the European Short Film Network (ESFN) in 2020, the ESFN has now announced that it will present a new streaming portal from April.

(El artículo continúa más abajo - Inf. publicitaria)

With the pandemic forcing so many festivals online – resulting in an almost overwhelming amount of online offerings – the festivals of the ESFN have decided to bundle their online activities and offer joint content. Between 1 April and 30 June 2021, the portal This Is Short will make this content, as well as individual offerings from ESFN members and other film festivals, available worldwide. Access will be subject to a fee.

One of the highlights of the joint content will be the online competition dubbed New Point of View, which focuses on European films that are particularly suitable for presentation on digital platforms. The competition is jointly curated by the four ESFN festivals, with two films presented each week. The online awards ceremony will take place on the evening before the shortest night of the year, 21 June, and there will be €8,000 worth of prize money on offer.

Other offerings will include specially curated thematic film programmes, a coordinated look back at highlights of the past years and decades, and selected films from other European festivals.

Audiences will have the opportunity to access the individual programmes of the network members over several days on the respective dates of their festivals. This makes it possible to visit several festivals online with just one access point, instead of utilising several different platforms, and offers filmmakers, viewers and industry representatives a selected overview of outstanding short-film productions.

The festivals, whose common goal is to promote artistic and technological developments in the field of short film, all use the Dutch festival software Filmchief. This software is what makes the linking of the various databases – and thus the collaborative development of the project in its existing form – possible in the first place.

In a joint statement, the ESFN said: "The ESFN does not want to replace the analogue festival with a digital version, but rather to enrich and complement it. In doing so, This Is Short is a truly collaborative European vision, at a time when the need to think about Europe and the European film and festival landscape together is more relevant and necessary than ever. As a network, we are convinced that we can only master the coming challenges jointly and that we should look forward to the future in solidarity and cooperation."

This Is Short was developed in collaboration with ThisWayUp, designed by Uniforma and supported by the Creative Europe - MEDIA programme of the European Union.

(El artículo continúa más abajo - Inf. publicitaria)

(Traducción del inglés)

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