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Cross Channel Film Lab lanza su nuevo programa de formación para directores europeos


- En inglés: El Cross Channel Film Lab abre el plazo de inscripción de su nueva iniciativa, el CCFL Training Programme

Cross Channel Film Lab lanza su nuevo programa de formación para directores europeos

Este artículo está disponible en inglés.

Supported by Creative Europe, Cross Channel Film Lab Training will focus on the development of low- to medium-budget feature films utilising VFX and Stereo 3D technologies to enhance storytelling and reach new audiences.

A core programme will offer 24 filmmakers, each with early-stage feature-film projects, the chance to engage in a mix of residential workshops and online seminars, masterclasses and specialist consultancy, and learn more about the intersection of visual technology and screenwriting. Running for six months from June to November 2015, the programme is being run in collaboration with Le Groupe Ouest, Creative England and Falmouth University. A further 24 filmmakers will be offered the chance to participate in CCFL Training’s online programme.

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Pippa Best, project co-director and script consultant for CCFL, said: “In today’s cinema, visual effects, computer-generated images and Stereo 3D are usually associated with high-budget Hollywood films. It is a unique chance for filmmakers to work with talented experts and create some really exciting new films.” Antoine Le Bos, script consultant and CCFL 2012-2014 project co-director, said: “Bringing together accessible technology and filmmakers ready to discover new possibilities opens the door for cinema to become a source of deep amazement again.”

To apply for the training, click here. The deadline for submissions is 20 March 2015. Applications for the CCFL Training online programme will open in May 2015.

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(Traducción del inglés)

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