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Dijon vuelve a acoger debates profesionales de alto nivel


- En inglés: La modernización del sistema francés estará en el centro de los 27° Encuentros Cinematográficos, que tendrán lugar del 12 al 14 de octubre

Dijon vuelve a acoger debates profesionales de alto nivel

Este artículo está disponible en inglés.

Well-armed thanks to its structured system, the French film industry is nevertheless confronted with the complex evolution of the global landscape regarding usage, screens and financing. These transformations are all under way, affecting, perhaps even threatening, the independence of creation and access to a diverse range of content, while at the same time driving wedges between the sector’s major players. These are just some of the hot topics to be unpicked and discussed at the27th ARP (Guild of Authors, Directors and Producers) Rencontres Cinématographiques, which will take place from 12 to 14 October with some very high-level speakers, due to be chaired by the director Deniz Gamze Ergüven (Mustang [+lee también:
entrevista: Deniz Gamze Ergüven
ficha de la película
, Kings [+lee también:
ficha de la película

(El artículo continúa más abajo - Inf. publicitaria)

"Which windows? What values? What timeline?" The first debate at the Rencontres is hotly anticipated due to the fact that the French public authorities have just announced that they will take control of the subject if professional organisations are unable to come to an agreement within six months regarding the restructuring of media timelines (the staggering of time required to distribute films on various media following theatrical releases). An "ultimatum" that is somewhat challenging due to profound differences of opinion and the fact that discussion has been stalled for several years. Participating in the debates in Dijon are Delphine Ernotte -Cunci (President of France Télévisions) Maxime Saada (Head of Canal+) Alain Weill (head of media activities for Altice Media, whose ambitions for the new SFR cinema channel are the talk of the town), Carole Scotta (Haut et Court, Co-President of DIRE - Distributeurs Indépendants Réunis Européens), Marie Masmonteil (Elzevir Movies and Honorary President of SPI - Syndicat des Producteurs Indépendants) Richard Patry (President of the FNCF - Fédération Nationale des Cinémas Français), Xavier Rigault (2.4.7. Films, co-president of UPC - Union des Producteurs de Cinéma) and Rosina Robson (representative of independent English producers - PACT). Discussions will be moderated by the filmmaker Radu Mihaileanu (President of ARP) and Pascal Rogard (Head of SACD - Société des Auteurs et Compositeurs Dramatiques).

"Where do independence and diversity belong in a world of globalised cinema?" will be the second topic approached from two different perspectives. Financing and exhibition will be discussed by Charles Rivkin (President of MPAA - Motion Picture Association of America), David Kessler (Head of Orange Studio and Orange Content), Saïd Ben Saïd (President of SBS Productions - SBS Distribution), Jeffrey Chan (Head of the Chinese outfit Bona Film) and Deniz Gamze Ergüven. Views on regulatory aspects will then be exchanged by Frédérique Bredin (President of the CNC), German Peter Dinges (Executive Officer of the FFA and President of EFAD - European Film Agency Directors), Emilie Cariou (Vice-President of the Finance Committee of the National Assembly) and Eric Peters (member of the cabinet of the EU Commissioner for Digital Economy and Society). Debates will be moderated by the directors Pierre Jolivet and Jean-Paul Salomé.

This edition of the Dijon Rencontres Cinématographiques will also address the subjects of "European filmmakers and platforms: what future?" (with representatives from Tënk, MUBI, Filmo TV and, "Culture: a project of politics and citizenship?" (with, most notably, Frédérique Dumas, the Vice-Chair of the Cultural Affairs and Education Committee of the National Assembly, and as moderators Christian Carion and Nathalie Marchak), and "Filmmakers and new screens: innovation and new narrative borders" (with Claude Lelouch and spokespersons Arte France, Blackpills and Okio Studio). Screenings with directors are also on the menu of the Dijon event, including See You Up There [+lee también:
ficha de la película
by  Albert Dupontel, Maryline [+lee también:
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by Guillaume Gallienne, the debut Venetian Custody [+lee también:
entrevista: Xavier Legrand
ficha de la película
by Xavier Legrand, Par instinct [+lee también:
ficha de la película
by Nathalie Marchak,Beauty and the Dogs [+lee también:
entrevista: Kaouther Ben Hania
ficha de la película
by Kaouther Ben Hania and Carré 35 [+lee también:
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by Eric Caravaca, among others.

(El artículo continúa más abajo - Inf. publicitaria)

(Traducción del francés)

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