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El 18° Festival goEast explora la diversidad europea


- En inglés: En esta época de cambio constante, el evento dedicado al cine de Europa Central y del Este mira hacia la realidad virtual, los profesionales emergentes y la Primavera de Praga

El 18° Festival goEast explora la diversidad europea
Mug, de Małgorzata Szumowska

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Cinema in a changing Europe will be the thematic centrepiece of the 18th edition of goEast – Festival of Central and Eastern European Film, which will unspool from 18-24 April in Wiesbaden, Germany. Opening with Małgorzata Szumowska’s latest effort, Mug [+lee también:
entrevista: Małgorzata Szumowska
ficha de la película
(Poland), which will screen out of competition but which is absolutely relevant to current topics, goEast aims to explore the “artistic diversity, courage and originality of the cinema of the region”, as the new festival director, Heleen Gerritsen, states.

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Sixteen films – ten fictions and six documentaries – are vying for the €10,000 Golden Lily in the goEast Competition, while the jury is headed up by Hungarian filmmaker Ildikó Enyedi. Hungarian legend Márta Meszaros is bringing her latest historical family drama, Aurora Borealis: Northern Lights [+lee también:
ficha de la película
 (Hungary), which jumps back in time to the Soviet occupation after World War II. Meanwhile, Polish filmmaker Andrzej Jakimowski creates a social drama based on the recent Warsaw marches in Once Upon a Time in November [+lee también:
entrevista: Andrzej Jakimowski
ficha de la película
(Poland). Also inspired by a true story, Hanna Slak is partaking with the biopic The Miner [+lee también:
entrevista: Hanna Slak
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 (Slovenia/Germany), which explores the discovery of a massacre that took place 60 years ago. Bohdan Sláma’s tragicomedy Ice Mother [+lee también:
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 (Czech Republic/Slovakia/France) focuses on a widow who discovers the pleasures of winter swimming, while November [+lee también:
entrevista: Rea Lest
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 by Rainer Sarnet, set in a 19th-century Estonian pagan village, is a sombre fairy tale in black and white. Seasoned auteur Rustam Khamdamov takes his surreal storytelling even further in his new Rashomon-inspired folktale The Bottomless Bag (Russia), also shot in monochrome. Finally, Sveta (Kazakhstan) by Zhanna Issabayeva is an unusual thriller that paints the portrait of a deaf Russian woman in today’s Kazakhstan.

Three debutants are also participating in goEast’s Competition – namely, the well-received and edgy LGBTQ social romantic drama The Marriage [+lee también:
entrevista: Blerta Zeqiri
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 (Kosovo/Albania) by Blerta Zeqiri, the witty post-Soviet black comedy Miracle [+lee también:
entrevista: Eglė Vertelytė
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 (Lithuania/Bulgaria/Poland) by Eglė Vertelytė and the subtle generational drama set in post-revolutionary Kiev, Falling [+lee también:
entrevista: Marina Stepanska
ficha de la película
(Ukraine) by Marina Stepanska. In terms of documentaries, the selection includes The Dead Nation [+lee también:
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 (Romania), the first attempt at a doc by established filmmaker Radu Jude, about anti-Semitism before and after World War II; IDFA winner The Other Side of Everything [+lee también:
entrevista: Mila Turajlić
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 (Serbia/France/Qatar) by Mila Turajlić, a subversive portrait of the legacy of the Serbian civil war; and A Woman Captured [+lee también:
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 (Hungary/Germany) by Bernadett Tuza-Ritter, which touches on the issue of people being held as slaves in private European households. Mindaugas Survila creates a poetic wildlife documentary devoid of any narration in The Ancient Woods [+lee también:
ficha de la película
 (Lithuania/Estonia/Germany), while Levan Gabriadze pays tribute to his father, Revaz “Rezo” Gabriadze – who had a huge cultural influence and is also known for writing the cult sci-fi film Kin-dza-dza! – in Rezo (Russia). Finally, the satirical Our New President (Russia/USA) by Maxim Pozdorovkin (Pussy Riot: A Punk Prayer [+lee también:
ficha de la película
) depicts the US presidential campaign from a Russian perspective.

On the other hand, goEast’s parallel industry activities will focus on the future of cinema. The East-West Talent Lab has invited 14 projects by young filmmakers that will be presented during a pitching session. The Open Frame Award is reinventing itself by focusing on virtual reality for the first time, and eight experimental experiences hailing from Central and Eastern Europe will be locking horns. The innovative OPPOSE OTHERING! talent development project, which has now reached its third edition, places the emphasis firmly on ethical filmmaking and the inclusion of minorities in the audiovisual industry. Finally, the always well-curated goEast Symposium will examine Baltic cinema and partake in the celebrations for the centenary of Estonian, Lithuanian and Latvian independence, under the title “Hybrid Identities”. Also, 50 years after the Prague Spring, goEast is dedicating an homage to the events that changed Czechoslovakian history – and cinema – forever.

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(Traducción del inglés)

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