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Rai Cinema se une a la red GlobalGate


- En inglés: Las compañías firman un acuerdo para facilitar la comercialización de los derechos de las películas y los remakes de las producciones nacionales de éxito

Rai Cinema se une a la red GlobalGate

Este artículo está disponible en inglés.

Rai Cinema has joined GlobalGate – an international network of producers and international distributors of audiovisual content that is designed to facilitate the marketing of film rights of successful national productions in order to remake them in other countries. Thanks to this international consortium, partners can sell the remake rights to films that have achieved good box office results in their country of origin and in turn acquire the rights to remake films by other partners in their country of origin. 

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"Joining this greatly prestigious consortium, which includes some of the most important international productions and distributions," commented Paolo Del Brocco, CEO of Rai Cinema, "is an opportunity to access concepts and intellectual property relating to films from all over the world, so that we can adapt them for an Italian audience, while at the same time sharing our Italian creativity, ideas and stories with other partners."

The three co-founders of GlobalGate, Clifford Weber, William Pfeiffer and Paul Presburger, have welcomed Rai Cinema’s admission to the group: "We are particularly happy that Rai has become part of our consortium, Italy has an extraordinary cinematographic culture and this exchange of projects will only be profitable." Rai Cinema is the twelfth member of GlobalGate alongside Lionsgate (USA), Televisa (Mexico), Gaumont (France), Nordisk (Scandinavia), Tobis (Germany), Belga (Benelux), TME (Turkey), Kadokawa (Japan), Lotte (South Korea), Cine Colombia (Colombia) and Paris Filmes (Brazil).

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(Traducción del italiano)

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