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SARAJEVO 2018 Industria

Docu Rough Cut Boutique selecciona cinco proyectos


- Proyectos de documentales originarios de Croacia, Bulgaria, Serbia, Eslovenia y Rumanía participarán en los dos talleres organizados en Sofía y Sarajevo

Docu Rough Cut Boutique selecciona cinco proyectos
El director Tonislav Hristov, cuyo nuevo proyecto The Magic Life of V ha sido seleccionado

Este artículo está disponible en inglés.

Sarajevo Film Festival's Docu Rough Cut Boutique, for Southeast European documentary films in post-production, has announced its 2018 selection. 

“Sometimes we have to make difficult decisions - to choose the best five while there are more potentially good, strong projects. But we have only 5 places! We have chosen those which impressed us with their amazing, unusual stories, with remarkable access to protagonists as well as sharp directors’ point of view," say Rada Šešić and Martichka Bozhilova, directors of Docu Rough Cut Boutique. "In our opinion, these five projects are in the biggest need to zoom out and see the bigger picture of their topic, to re-visit their material in the company of documentary experts and discuss openly and thoroughly the best possible narrative structure. This is the way to create internationally appealing, remarkable documentaries”. 

(El artículo continúa más abajo - Inf. publicitaria)

Last year the Docu Rough Cut Boutique introduced a preparation module in Sofia, and again in this edition the projects will benefit from editing tutorials, group sessions and individual meetings in late June in the Bulgarian capital, before coming to Sarajevo for additional feedback sessions, open screenings and presentation at the CineLink Industry Days, taking place from 11-16 August.

The selected projects are:

One of Us - Djuro Gavran (Croatia)
Production: Djuro Gavran (Pipser)

The Magic Life of V [+lee también:
ficha de la película
- Tonislav Hristov (Finland/Bulgaria/Denmark)
Production: Kaarle Aho (Making Movies)
Co-Production: Andrea Stanoeva (Soul Food Ltd.), Kristine Barfod (Kristine Barfod Film)

Diary of a Serious Offender - Danilo Ceković (Serbia)
Production: Milan Milosavljević (Akademski filmski centar)
Co-Production: Danilo Ceković (Osmica)

Daughter of Camorra [+lee también:
entrevista: Siniša Gacić
ficha de la película
 - Siniša Gacić (Slovenia/Italy)
Production: Dunja Klemenc (Studio Maj)
Co-Production: Ognjen Dizdarević (Ballandi Arts)

The Chalice - Catalina Tesar (Romania)
Production: Anda Ionescu (Haute Film)

(El artículo continúa más abajo - Inf. publicitaria)

(Traducción del inglés)

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