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L'Époque competirá en Cineastas del Presente


- El primer largometraje de Matthieu Bareyre, vendida por Bac Films, participará en la sección competitiva del 71º festival de cine de Locarno

L'Époque competirá en Cineastas del Presente
L'Époque, de Matthieu Bareyre

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After having turned heads with the medium-length documentary Nocturnes (awarded at Cinéma du Réel in 2015), French director Matthieu Bareyre will be presenting his debut feature, the documentary Young and Alive [+lee también:
entrevista: Matthieu Bareyre
ficha de la película
, as part of the competitive Filmmakers of the Present programme of the 71st Locarno Film Festival (1-11 August 2018). 

Written by Sophia Collet and Matthieu Bareyre, the film delves right to the heart of Paris, from the aftermath of the Charlie Hebdo attacks until the presidential elections. In the months following the terrorist attacks in the city, the youth has taken the night. A community has risen, looking for belonging in a world they don’t understand and seeking to change the rules. Led by new faces and unheard groups, with their values and ideals, they open a new dialogue, challenge the state and get ready for a new kind of revolution. Bareyre followed them night after night, trying to capture their voices and their hopes. 

(El artículo continúa más abajo - Inf. publicitaria)

Produced by Valéry du Peloux for Artisans du Film, with Cécile Lestrade acting as line producer for Alter Ego Production and Frédéric Ouziel for ADF L’atelier, Young and Alive was supported by the CNC’s Images de la diversité fund, the Nouvelle-Aquitaine region, Ciclic and the Scam. Interestingly, the feature, for which the director also took care of the cinematography, took part in Work-in-Progress at the Entrevues Belfort Film Festival. The French distribution and international sales will be handled by Bac Films.

As a reminder, Artisans du Film has both Girls in the Middle Ages [+lee también:
ficha de la película
 (2016) and Artémis cœur d’artichaut (2013) by Hubert Viel under its belt.

(Traducción del francés)

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