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VENECIA 2018 Semana Internacional de la Crítica

EXCLUSIVA: Tráiler de You Have the Night de Ivan Salatić


- Montenegro participa por primera vez en la Semana Internacional de la Crítica de Venecia con la ópera prima de Ivan Salatić

EXCLUSIVA: Tráiler de You Have the Night de Ivan Salatić

Este artículo está disponible en inglés.

After leaving the ship on which she works, Sanja finds herself stranded, with nowhere to go but home. The shipyard has filed for bankruptcy, leaving many workers out of work. Boats covered with tarpaulin are scattered around the landscape, set aside for better days. A storm comes; one life is lost. Luka is waiting for the night in the woods. The night when everything could change.

The first feature by Ivan Salatić, You Have the Night [+lee también:
entrevista: Ivan Salatić
ficha de la película
, marks the first time a Montenegrin film has been selected in Venice's International Critics' Week. The film, a co-production between Montenegro (Meander Film), Serbia (Non-Aligned Films) and Qatar (with support from Doha Film Institute), will thus screen at the parallel festival during the 75th Venice Film Festival.

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Check out our exclusive trailer below:

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