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SAN SEBASTIÁN 2018 Industria

Europa Distribution regresa al futuro en San Sebastián


- La organización hablará sobre los modos de proporcionar vida y opciones de mercado a las películas estrenadas hace más de 3 años en su encuentro anual en el certamen vasco

Europa Distribution regresa al futuro en San Sebastián

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Europa Distribution will organise, for the twelfth year of its partnership with the San Sebastian International Film Festival, a new distribution workshop dedicated to the exploitation of film catalogues. During three days, more than 20 independent distributors, all members of Europa Distribution, will participate in an open panel and closed sessions of discussion, all part of the professional agenda of the SSIF Industry Club.

(El artículo continúa más abajo - Inf. publicitaria)

The organisation states, "independent distributors always try to find ways to show at best their films, not only at the time of their theatrical release, but also until long after they have been screened through the usual first windows. In the past they could avoid their ageing films falling into oblivion thanks to DVD editions (special offers, boxes, etc.) and sales to TV. But with the digital world everything changed: the DVD market has collapsed, TV has become unadventurous and VoD is still not taking over."

The workshop will adress the distributors' possibilities once a film is not premium content anymore, regarding the way to target and reach out to audiences for catalogue films across the different releasing platforms (cinemas, TV, all the forms of VoD,...) and which innovative strategies are being put in place and with what results. What can be expected from catalogue titles in terms of performance, in the current state of the film market? "If we want to go back to the future and see catalogue films out of the closet it is essential to search for ways to create new markets, understand the last and the next trends, ideas explored by fellow distributors and other players and see what may exist already somewhere that could be further developed."

The workshop will begin on Monday 24 September with the public panel entitled Back to the future! How to give films older than 3 years a better life and marketand will bring together experts from different fields of the audio-visual sector. Open to all the accredited participants of the Festival, the event will take place from 10.00 to 11.30 at the San Telmo Museum.

Confirmed as panelists are Wendy Bernfeld (Rights Stuff, NL), Margherita Chiti (Teodora Film Distribuzione, IT), Joséphine Létang (La Toile, FR), William Page (FilmDoo/EuroVod, UK), Anke Van Diejen (Picl, NL) and Michael Gubbins (SampoMedia/Ffilm Cymru Wales, UK) who will moderate the session.

Attending Europa Distribution members will then have the opportunity to further the discussion started with the panel during two closed sessions on Tuesday 25 and Wednesday 26 September. At these occasions, Barbara Dias (Curzon Artificial Eye, UK), Eduardo Escudero (A Contracorriente, ES), Anna Harding (Folkets Bio, SE), Karoline Mennecken (Prokino, DE) , Fredrik Scholze (Arthaus, NO) and Adriënne Van den Berg (Cinemien, NL) will share their experience regarding the exploitation of catalogue titles through the analysis of concrete examples and case studies. All sessions will be moderated by Michael Gubbins. Distributors members of Europa Distribution will also participate in the festival activities, including the Cine en Construcción and Glocal in Progress screenings, and networking events.

(El artículo continúa más abajo - Inf. publicitaria)

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