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"L'Europe autour de l'Europe" dará la bienvenida a animales y hombres


- La 14a edición del Festival de Cine Europeo de París celebra su fase competitiva del 26 al 31 de marzo

"L'Europe autour de l'Europe" dará la bienvenida a animales y hombres
You Have the Night, de Ivan Salatić

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This week, the 14th edition of "L’Europe autour de l'Europe", the Paris European Film Festival which kicked off on 14 March with a programme boasting nigh on 90 films (full-length films and short films, fiction films, documentaries, experimental works) and which is due to close on 1 April, will get down to business with its two competitions. 

Eight full-length films which have not yet been seen in France and which will be screened at the venue named “L’entrepôt”, are set to battle it out for the Prix Sauvage 2019: You Have the Night [+lee también:
entrevista: Ivan Salatić
ficha de la película
by Ivan Salatić (a filmmaker born in Croatia and raised in Montenegro who was discovered during Venice’s Critics’ Week in 2018), the German title The Forest (Der Wald) by Viktor Gasic, No News (Sin novedad) from Spanish director Miguel Berzal de Miguel, Sunrise in Kimmeria [+lee también:
ficha de la película
by the Cypriot Simon Farmakas, the Bosnian production Borders, Raindrops [+lee también:
ficha de la película
by the duo composed of Vlastimir Sudar and Nikola Mijović, Leave Now by British filmmaker Stephen Frost, the American-Swedish co-production Finding Alice by Pablo Fernandez (a winner at the Los Angeles Film Awards and the Oslo Film Festival) and Lorik [+lee también:
ficha de la película
by Alexey Zlobin (produced by Armenia and Russia). 

(El artículo continúa más abajo - Inf. publicitaria)

Also on the menu of the film event piloted by Irena Bilić is the “Present” competition, which features ten documentaries: Wongar by Andrijana Stojković (Serbia), Little Tsunamis by Toby Clarkson (UK), The Last Self-portrait [+lee también:
entrevista: Marek Kuboš
ficha de la película
by the Slovak Marek Kuboš, Blue Scallywags (Niebieskie Chachary) by Cezary Grzesuik (Poland), Blue Breath (Hálito Azul) by Rodrigo Areias (Portugal), INTO_Nation of Big Odessa by Alexander Brunkovsky (Russia/Ukraine) and four titles produced by France: Kaori Ito, A Body of Life by Tatjana Janković, Half a Square Meter of Freedom by Inga Lavolé-Khavkina, Oustachis, le génocide oublié by Miriana Walter and Charles-Antoine de Rouvre and Eliane Vogel Polsky, Championne de la cause des femmes en Europe by Haleh Chinikar (France/Belgium).

This 14th edition of "L'Europe autour de l'Europe" has opted to explore the theme "Of animals and men" and to organise tributes to Bernardo Bertolucci and Jonas Mekas. It will also include a new competition section, Corto, dedicated to short films. Finally, among other events, a round table which is set to take place on Friday 29 March will bring together Želimir Žilnik, Lena Müller, Dragan von Petrović, Mihajlo Jevtić, Nemanja Vojinović, Marko Grba Singh, Olivier Babinet, Claudine Bories and Patrice Chagnard to discuss the topic of migration in contemporary documentary cinema.

(El artículo continúa más abajo - Inf. publicitaria)

(Traducción del francés)

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