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La televisión y la web amplían los acuerdos de coproducción entre Suiza y Valonia-Bruselas


- La Federación Valonia-Bruselas y Suiza extienden su acuerdo de coproducción a los programas de televisión y a los destinados a ser emitidos en internet

La televisión y la web amplían los acuerdos de coproducción entre Suiza y Valonia-Bruselas
Le Milieu de l'horizon, de Delphine Lehericey

Este artículo está disponible en inglés.

The film co-production agreement that exists between the Wallonia-Brussels Federation and Switzerland has been amended to open it up to encompass works of all formats and all types of exhibition. By default, this therefore includes TV programmes (including series) as well as programmes intended for online release. 

Naturally, the idea is to reflect current developments in production and distribution methods, but also to keep up as much as possible with the sheer exuberance of the small screen in Switzerland, which can boast series such as Quartier des banques and Station Horizon, as well as in the Wallonia-Brussels Federation, where TV series have been one of the key lynchpins of recent output since the creation of the Series Fund by the Federation and the RTBF, the French-language Belgian public broadcaster. Almost 15 series benefiting from this fund are currently in development, following the immense success of the first two projects, La Trêve and Public Enemy, the respective heroes of which, Yoann Blanc and Stéphanie Blanchoud, are incidentally Swiss actors.

(El artículo continúa más abajo - Inf. publicitaria)

In the eyes of the Wallonia-Brussels Federation, Switzerland is one of the priority countries when it comes to bilateral co-production agreements, as the two communities have been working together for years in the domain of film. For example, they recently co-produced the movies Fortuna [+lee también:
ficha de la película
by Germinal Roaux and Beyond the Horizon [+lee también:
entrevista: Delphine Lehericey
ficha de la película
 by Delphine Lehericey (presently in post-production).

Eleven bilateral agreements have already been signed by the Wallonia-Brussels Federation, the most recent ones being with Uruguay, Canada, Chile, the Netherlands and China. Co-production treaties are in force with Mexico, Brazil, Lebanon, Israel, Ukraine and Argentina. For its part, Switzerland has co-production agreements in place with Germany and Austria (a trilateral accord), France, Italy, Luxembourg, Canada and Mexico; the latter two also include TV movies. 

Both the Wallonia-Brussels Federation and Switzerland have inked agreements with most European countries via the European Convention on Cinematographic Co-Production.

(El artículo continúa más abajo - Inf. publicitaria)

(Traducción del francés)

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