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VENECIA 2019 Venice Production Bridge

El Venice Gap-Financing Market selecciona 51 proyectos provenientes de todo el mundo


- Entre los proyectos elegidos para la sexta edición de la iniciativa del Venice Production Bridge, se encuentra lo próximo de Agnieszka Holland, Jasmila Zbanic o los hermanos De Serio

El Venice Gap-Financing Market selecciona 51 proyectos provenientes de todo el mundo
La cineasta Agnieszka Holland, cuyo nuevo proyecto, Charlatan, ha sido seleccionado

Este artículo está disponible en inglés.

From 30 August to 1 September this year, during the 76th Venice Film Festival, the sixth edition of the Venice Gap-Financing Market will unfold. Organised as part of the Venice Production Bridge event, the initiative will help the chosen European and international projects to secure full funding for their projects through one-to-one meetings with international professionals.

(El artículo continúa más abajo - Inf. publicitaria)

Over the course of three days, the Venice Gap-Financing Market will present 51 projects from around the world, all in the final phases of development and funding. The selected works consist of 28 feature length films and documentaries, 12 Virtual Reality Immersive Stories, 8 Biennale College – Virtual Reality projects and 3 Biennale College – Cinema projects.

The Venice Gap-Financing Market will organise one-to-one meetings between the teams (i.e. the producer and the director) of these 51 projects and decision-making professionals active in the industry (producers, public and private backers, banks, distributers, sales agents, television broadcasters, online and video platforms, institutions and post-production companies).

Having already secured 70% of their required funding, the 23 full-length fiction projects (16 European and 7 non-European) and the 5 narrative or creative documentary projects (4 European and 1 non-European) need to finalise their funding packages by way of agreements with potential minority co-producers. The 12 VR Immersive Stories projects (8 European and 4 non-European) on the other hand, which include fiction films, documentaries, animated films and other interactive installation experiences, have secured 30% of their required budget.

The selected projects are as follows:

Fiction films and documentaries

Air - Alexey German Jr. (Russia)
Production: SAGa, Metrafilms

The Flag - Firas Khoury (France/Lebanon/Belgium)
Production: MPM Film

In the Shade of Trees - Matías Rojas Valencia (Chile)
Production: Quijote Films

Aleph - Iva Radivojevic (US/Croatia) (documentary)
Production: Ivaasks Films, Picture Palace Pictures

Anatolian Leopard [+lee también:
ficha de la película
- Emre Kayis (Turkey/Germany)
Production: TatoFilm

Death of Nintendo - Raja Martin (Philippines)
Production: IndieFlip

El Prófugo - Natalia Meta (Argentina)
Production: Rei Cine

Guerra e Pace [+lee también:
ficha de la película
- Massimo D’Anolfi, Martina Parenti (Italy/Switzerland/France) (documentary)
Production: Montmorency Film

The Miracle of Almeria - Moon Blaisse (Belgium/Netherlands) (documentary)
Production: Cassette for Timescapes

Iguana Tokyo - Kaan Müjdeci (Turkey/Germany/Japan)
Production: Colored Girafes

Kommunioun - Jacques Molitor (Luxembourg/Belgium/France)
Production: Les Films Fauves

Night of the Kings [+lee también:
entrevista: Philippe Lacôte
ficha de la película
- Philippe Lacôte (France/Canada/Ivory Coast)
Production: Bhanshee Films

The Siren [+lee también:
ficha de la película
- Sepideh Farsi (France/Luxembourg/Germany/Belgium)
Production: Les Films D’Ici

Memory Box [+lee también:
entrevista: Joana Hadjithomas, Khalil …
ficha de la película
 - Joana Hadjithomas, Khalil Joreige (Lebanon/France/Canada)
Production: Abbout Productions

Mica [+lee también:
ficha de la película
- Ismaël Ferroukhi (Morocco/France)
Production: La Prod

My Sunny Maad [+lee también:
entrevista: Michaela Pavlátová
ficha de la película
- Michaela Pavlátová (Czech Republic/France/Slovakia)
Production: Sacrebleu Productions

Europe [+lee también:
entrevista: Philip Scheffner y Merle K…
ficha de la película
- Philip Scheffner (Germany/France) (documentary)
Production: Pong Films

Quo Vadis Aida (provisional title) - Jasmila Zbanic (Bosnia and Herzegovina /Austria/Romania/Netherlands/Poland/Germany/France)
Production: Deblokada

The Tale of King Crab [+lee también:
entrevista: Alessio Rigo de Righi y Ma…
ficha de la película
 - Alessio Rigo de Righi, Matteo Zoppis (Italy/Argentina/Chile)
Production: Ring Film

Saint-Narcisse - Bruce La Bruce (Canada)
Production: Les Films 1976 & Six Island Productions

Charlatan [+lee también:
entrevista: Agnieszka Holland
ficha de la película
 - Agnieszka Holland (Czech Republic)
Production: Marlene Film Production s.r.o.

Sharaf - Samir Nasr (Germany/Tunisia/Egypt/France)
Production: Soilfilms Media GmbH

Spaccapietre - Gianluca e Massimiliano De Serio (Italy/France)
Production: La Sarraz Pictures Srl

Lovehack (Sposob lyubvi) - Tamara Dondurey (Russia)
Production: Atlantic Film

The Quest for Tonewood - Hans Lukas Hansen (Norway/Italy/Bosnia and Herzegovina) (documentary)
Production: Norsk Fjernsyen

The Hunter's Son - Ricky Rijneke (Netherlands/Iceland/Belgium/Poland)
Production: Rotterdam Films

The Last Ride of the Wolves - Alberto de Michele (Netherlands/Italy)
Production: Halal

Woken - Alan Friel (Ireland/France/Luxembourg)
Production: Fantastic Films

Virtual Reality Immersive Stories

38 Minutes - Mike Brett, Steve Jamison, Pierre Zandrowicz (France/UK)
Production: Atlas V, Princeton, Archer’s Mark, Games for Change

Agence - Pietro Gagliano (Canada)
Production: National Film Board of Canada, Transitional Forms Inc.

African Space Makers - Vincenzo Cavallo Faras, Isa Mohamed (Kenya/Germany)
Production: Cultural Video Production, Black Rhino VR, INVR

Captured - Hanna Haaslahti (Finland/India/Canada)
Production: Dpt.

Here - Lysander Ashton (UK)
Production: 59 Productions

Hush - Vibeke Bryld (Denmark)
Production: Final Cut for Real

Hypha - Natalia Cabrera (Chile)
Production: Maltrato Films

Kusunda - Gayatri Parameswaran, Felix Gaedtke (Germany/US/Nepal)
Production: NowHere Media

The Great Orator - Daniel Ernst (Netherlands)
Production: Submarine Channel

The Greatest Moon Hoax - John Hsu (Taiwan)
Production: Serendipity

Under Attack - Kate Parkinson, Aela Callan (UK)
Production: AKA Media Ltd.

Welcome to the Savoy - Landia Egal (France/Canada/US)
Production: Tiny Planets

Biennale College - Virtual Reality projects (developed during the third edition of the Biennale College Cinema VR workshop, all of which are in various phases of development, pre-production and post-production)

Doubts of a Genius - Matteo Lonardi (Italy)
Production: Reframe VR

Frontera - Emiliana Ammirata (Venezuela)
Production: Emblematic Group

Goliath - Barry Gene Murphy (UK)
Production: Anagram

How is the Water - Ninja Müller (Czech Republic/Germany)
Production: Go 360 s.r.o

My Room - Uta Arning (Taiwan/Germany)
Production: Movie Design

Queerskins Ark - Illya Szilak, Cyril Tsiboulski (US)
Production: Cloudred

This Is for You - Mercedes Arturo (France/Argentina)
Production: Atlas V

Ways to School - Zohar Kfir (France/Israel)
Production: Floréal Films

Biennale College – Cinema projects (developed during the 1st workshop of the 7th edition of Biennale College Cinema, all of which are in various stages of development and pre-production)

Marwell - Benjamin Bee (UK)
Production: Candle & Bell

The Properties of Metals [+lee también:
ficha de la película
- Antonio Bigini (Italy)
Production: Kiné Società Cooperativa

Those Who Whistle After Dark - Pinar Yorgancioglu (Turkey/South Korea)
Production: Oh Picture Co.

(El artículo continúa más abajo - Inf. publicitaria)

(Traducción del italiano)

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