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DOKUFEST 2020 Premios

Once Upon a Youth y A metamorfose dos pássaros triunfan en Dokufest


- La 19a edición, que tuvo lugar en línea, del certamen kosovar también premió a The Earth Is Blue as an Orange, Smog Town, Collective, Sun Dog, The Exit of the Trains y Silence radio

Once Upon a Youth y A metamorfose dos pássaros triunfan en Dokufest
Once Upon a Youth, de Ivan Ramljak

Este artículo está disponible en inglés.

The 19th edition of Prizren-based event Dokufest, Kosovo's largest film festival, which is taking place online 7-25 August, announced its awards last weekend.

Once Upon a Youth [+lee también:
ficha de la película
, the first feature-length documentary from Croatian filmmaker Ivan Ramljak, which had its world premiere at the festival, picked up the Balkan Doc award.

Ivana Desivojević's short Doclisboa and DOK Leipzig entry Outside the Oranges Are Blooming (Serbia/Portugal) received a special mention.

(El artículo continúa más abajo - Inf. publicitaria)

In the International Doc - Feature competition, Catarina Vasconcelos’ Berlinale Encounters title The Metamorphosis of Birds [+lee también:
entrevista: Catarina Vasconcelos
ficha de la película
(Portugal) won the main award, while Isabel Pagliai's Tender (France) triumphed in the International Doc - Shorts section, with Randa Maroufi's Bab Sebta (France/Morocco) getting a special mention.

Aulona Fetahaj's 25-minute film She Asked Me Where I Was From won in the National Competition.

Arguably the biggest documentary hit of the year so far, Iryna Tsilyk's The Earth Is Blue as an Orange [+lee también:
entrevista: Iryna Tsilyk
ficha de la película
(Ukraine/Lithuania), won in the Human Rights Docs competition, where the jury gave out two special mentions, to Juliana Fanjul's IDFA title Radio Silence [+lee también:
entrevista: Juliana Fanjul
ficha de la película
 (Switzerland/Mexico) and Jonathan Rescigno's Berlinale entry Strike or Die [+lee también:
ficha de la película

Another IDFA film, Meng Han's Smog Town (China/South Korea/Netherlands), won in the Green Doc competition, while Sky Hopinka's Sundance doc małni - towards the ocean, towards the shore (USA) bagged a special mention.

Romanian cinema triumphed in the Truth section, with Alexander Nanau's Collective [+lee también:
ficha de la película
picking up the main prize, and Radu Jude and Adrian Cioflâncă's The Exit of the Trains [+lee también:
entrevista: Adrian Cioflâncă
ficha de la película
getting a special mention.

Finally, in the International Shorts competition which traditionally includes shorts of all genres, two fiction films came out on top: Dorian Jespers pocketed the main prize for his Rotterdam prizewinner Sun Dog (Belgium), and the special mention went to Stefan Djordjević's Heart of Sarajevo-winning The Last Image of Father (Serbia).

Full list of awards:

Balkan Doc Competition

Best Film
Once Upon a Youth [+lee también:
ficha de la película
- Ivan Ramljak (Croatia)

Special Mention
Outside the Oranges Are Blooming - Nevena Desivojević (Serbia/Portugal) (short film)

International Doc - Feature Competition

Best Film
The Metamorphosis of Birds [+lee también:
entrevista: Catarina Vasconcelos
ficha de la película
- Catarina Vasconcelos (Portugal)

National Competition

Best Film
She Asked Me Where I Was From - Aulona Fetahaj (Kosovo/Belgium) (short film)

Human Rights Docs Competition

Best Film
The Earth Is as Blue as an Orange [+lee también:
entrevista: Iryna Tsilyk
ficha de la película
- Iryna Tsilyk (Ukraine/Lithuania)

Special Mention
Radio Silence [+lee también:
entrevista: Juliana Fanjul
ficha de la película
 - Juliana Fanjul (Switzerland/Mexico)
Strike or Die [+lee también:
ficha de la película
- Jonathan Rescigno (France)

Green Doc Competition

Best Film
Smog Town - Meng Han (China/South Korea/Netherlands)

Special Mention
małni - towards the ocean, towards the shore - Sky Hopinka (USA)

Truth Competition

Best Film
Collective [+lee también:
ficha de la película
- Alexander Nanau (Romania/Luxembourg)

Special Mention
The Exit of the Trains [+lee también:
entrevista: Adrian Cioflâncă
ficha de la película
- Radu Jude, Adrian Cioflâncă (Romania)

International Doc - Shorts Competition

Best Film
Tender - Isabel Pagliai (France)

Special Mention
Bab Sebta - Randa Maroufi (France/Morocco)

International Shorts Competition

Best Film
Sun Dog - Dorian Jespers (Belgium)

Special Mention
The Last Image of Father - Stefan Djordjević (Serbia)

(El artículo continúa más abajo - Inf. publicitaria)

(Traducción del inglés)

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