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BRIFF 2020 Premios

Finaliza el tercer Brussels International Film Festival


- La tercera edición del certamen, aplazado hasta estos días, se ha clausurado con la entrega de premios a El glorioso caos de la vida, Electric Swan y Saint-Nicolas est socialiste

Finaliza el tercer Brussels International Film Festival
Saint-Nicolas est socialiste, de David Leloup

Este artículo está disponible en inglés.

Originally scheduled to unfold in early summer, the 3rd edition of the Brussels International Film Festival eventually unspooled from 3 – 13 September, proving a real hit with Brussels audiences given their unshakeable love for movie theatres and unmissable film meetings. Set against the very peculiar backdrop of the health crisis, the event (in league with the Brussels Short Film Festival, which was organised by the same team and unspooled simultaneously) offered a little salve for a cultural sector which has been cruelly impacted by the crisis in Belgium.

(El artículo continúa más abajo - Inf. publicitaria)

Three competitions took place within the Festival. Firstly, it was the Australian film by Shannon Murphy Babyteeth which walked away with the International Competition’s Grand Prize. The Jury Award, meanwhile, was won by both Fabio & Damiano D’Innocenzo’s Bad Tales [+lee también:
entrevista: Fabio y Damiano D'Innocenzo
ficha de la película
(Switzerland/Italy), which was unveiled in Berlin in the winter, and Sarah Gavron’s Rocks [+lee también:
entrevista: Sarah Gavron
ficha de la película
(UK), which was also the lucky recipient of the RTBF Award.

A Directors’ Week is also hosted by the Festival, organised in league with the French Association of Male and Female French-Speaking Directors and consisting of a European competition which invites audiences to see the world through the eyes of young and engaged filmmakers who demonstrate innovation and bravery in their choices. The Grand Prize in this category went to Electric Swan (Greece/France/Argentina), a mid-length work by Konstantina Kotzamani which was discovered last year in Venice, while the Jury Award was handed to Schoolgirls [+lee también:
entrevista: Pilar Palomero
ficha de la película
by Pilar Palomero (Spain), initially unveiled in Berlin. Another mid-length work was crowned the audience’s winner: Roxanne Gaucherand’s Pyrale (France).

Last but not least is the National Competition organised by the Festival and dedicated to Belgian productions. This year’s big winner was the documentary Saint Nicolas est socialiste by David Leloup, which was presented at the Festival in a premiere and which takes the form of a tragi-comic political farce following the fierce but fragile battle led over a period of two years by two locally elected officials who are trying to shake the Walloon Socialist Party’s century-long stronghold on a town in the province of Liège. The film scooped both the Grand Prize and the Audience Award, while the Belgian-Dutch title Retrospekt [+lee también:
ficha de la película
by Esther Rots won a jury Special Mention.

The full list of winners is as follows:

International Competition

Grand Prize
Babyteeth - Shannon Murphy (Australia)

Jury Award (tie)
Bad Tales [+lee también:
entrevista: Fabio y Damiano D'Innocenzo
ficha de la película
- Fabio & Damiano D’Innocenzo (Italy/Switzerland)
Rocks [+lee también:
entrevista: Sarah Gavron
ficha de la película
- Sarah Gavron (UK)

National Competition

Grand Prize
Saint Nicolas est socialiste - David Leloup (Belgium)

Jury Special Mention
Retrospekt [+lee también:
ficha de la película
- Esther Roots (The Netherlands/Belgium)

Audience Award
Saint Nicolas est socialiste - David Leloup

Directors’ Week

Grand Prize
Electric Swan - Konstantina Kotzamani (Greece/France/Argentina) (mid-length film)

Jury Award
Schoolgirls [+lee también:
entrevista: Pilar Palomero
ficha de la película
- Pilar Palomero (Spain)

Audience Award
Pyrale - Roxanne Gaucherand (France) (mid-length film)

Other Awards

RTBF Award
Rocks - Sarah Gavron

BeTV Award
Mano de obra - David Zonana (Mexico)

(El artículo continúa más abajo - Inf. publicitaria)

(Traducción del francés)

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