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DOK Leipzig anuncia su completo y renovado programa


- El festival presentará 150 películas y trabajos en XR, incluyendo 43 estrenos mundiales, once internacionales, siete europeos y 36 alemanes, y una nueva sección, Camera Lucida

DOK Leipzig anuncia su completo y renovado programa
Roman's Childhood, de Linas Mikuta

Este artículo está disponible en inglés.

The International Leipzig Festival for Documentary and Animated Film DOK Leipzig has announced the full programme for its 63rd edition, set to run in Leipzig cinemas and online from 26 October-1 November.

Marking a significant decrease in the number of films compared to previous years and a restructuring of the programme sections, which festival director Christoph Terhechte outlines in his interview for Cineuropa, the event will show 150 films and XR works, including 43 world, 11 international, seven European and 36 German premieres.

There are 12 titles in DOK Leipzig's flagship International Competition Long Documentary and Animated Film, six of which are world premieres: Ada Ushpiz's Children [+lee también:
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 (Israel), Shelly Silver's Girls/Museum [+lee también:
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 (Germany), Daria Slyusarenko's Joy (Russia),Darío Doria's Vicenta (Argentina) and Jim Finn's The Annotated Field Guide of Ulysses S. Grant (USA), as well as Linas Mikuta's medium-length film Roman's Childhood (Lithuania).

First shown as a Special Screening at Toronto after earning Cannes' Official Selection label, Dieudo Hamadi’s Downstream to Kinshasa [+lee también:
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(DR Congo/France/Belgium) will have its European premiere at DOK Leipzig. Alfonso Amador's Sheffield Doc/Fest title Camagroga [+lee también:
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(Spain), Hannah Jayanti's Rotterdam entry Truth or Consequences (USA), Laura Citarella and Mercedes Halfon's Mar del Plata prizewinner The Poets Visit Juana Bignozzi (Argentina), and the Visions du Réel titles Considering the Ends [+lee también:
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(Belgium/France) by Elsa Maury and Their Algeria [+lee también:
entrevista: Lina Soualem
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(Algeria/France) by Lina Soualem will enjoy their German premieres in Leipzig.

“The international competitions of DOK Leipzig focus on the fruitful encounter between young people who are eager to experiment and those who have remained true to the curiosity and creativity they started out with,” says Terhechte. “For the first time, therefore, the international jury in the competition for long films will award not only a Golden Dove, but also a Silver Dove, which is explicitly intended for the best film by an up-and-coming director.”

The newly established Camera Lucida section will present five challenging films out of competition, "bringing together captivating documentaries that challenge the conventions of cinema and confront reality in a particularly lucid way”, as Terhechte puts it.

The selection includes Avalon by Thai filmmaker Thunska Pansittivorakul (Santikhiri Sonata [+lee también:
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), Richard Shpuntoff's Everything That Is Forgotten in an Instant (Germany), Irish director Tadhg O’Sullivan's Venice Days title To the Moon [+lee también:
entrevista: Tadhg O'Sullivan
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, the Austrian-French-Madagascan co-production Zaho Zay [+lee también:
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by Maéva Ranaïvojaona and Georg Tiller, and the world premiere of Lamentations of Judas [+lee también:
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, the last, Kalahari Desert-set film by Dutch director Boris Gerrets, who passed away last spring.

The full programme of DOK Leipzig can be found here.

(Traducción del inglés)

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