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MIDPOINT TV Launch se prepara para acoger a sus nuevos equipos creativos


- El límite de plazo de presentación de candidaturas para el exitoso programa de desarrollo de proyectos de series "de la idea al mercado" es el 31 de enero

MIDPOINT TV Launch se prepara para acoger a sus nuevos equipos creativos

Este artículo está disponible en inglés.

The MIDPOINT Institute’s successful "idea to market" series project development programme, TV Launch, has already opened its call for this edition, and is looking for nine projects for limited or ongoing series. The workshop will welcome creative teams hailing from the Central and Eastern European region, and the deadline is 31 January. It should be noted that the three development-executive participants have already been selected, as the TV Launch team offered the positions to the individuals who were selected for the 2020 edition but who could not participate owing to the changes brought about by the pandemic.

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The TV Launch team has also acknowledged the current situation and is focusing on supporting the development process, discovering and guiding talents, and nurturing the series industry in the region. As Gabor Krigler (Joyrider), head of studies at TV Launch, underlined about the current situation: “The proliferation of scripted drama on the international market means there has never been a bigger demand for storytellers capable of weaving their narratives in the highly specific language of serialised shows. There are now opportunities for non-English-language writers that never existed before. And one of the many consequences of the COVID-19 crisis is that delivery deadlines are tighter, and the time available to develop shows tends to become shorter. I would say these are some of the primary considerations that are driving our collective thinking on how to shift the focus of the training.”

Regarding the programme, the first workshop is planned for May, and the whole TV Launch 2021 will last a total of seven months, with the second workshop taking place during the summertime, and if conditions allow it, the programme will wrap in Tallinn in November with a project showcase at Industry@Tallinn & Baltic Event. “Our ambition is to educate professional series writers who are quick, efficient and capable of delivering products that feel novel, fresh and surprising, and who bring stories to life that reflect our cultural diversity in this increasingly crowded space of international drama,” added Krigler.

Regarding last year’s experience, Katarina Tomkova, TV Launch programme coordinator, mentioned: “That talent and the dedication to learn, develop and move forward will most likely thrive regardless of the era or limitations, including those which were imposed on us as a result of the pandemic. The enormous will and passion to exchange thoughts, ideas, stories and creativity have survived – and have taught us that collectiveness and communication are indeed some of our greatest strengths.”

As for any potential changes brought on by the pandemic, Tomkova added: “After last year, we're getting ready for as many options and alternatives in terms of format and content as possible. We'd very much like to reunite with our participants and tutors physically, but with the global situation still being rather uncertain, we're making sure we'll be prepared for any eventuality. Our main objective is to offer an intensive, thorough, bottom-up, idea-to-market development training programme for the new, exciting serialised stories and talents from Central and Eastern Europe.”

The call closes on 31 January, and you can find more information here.

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(Traducción del inglés)

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