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VILNA 2021 Meeting Point Vilnius

El e-Meeting Point – Vilnius espera sus nuevos proyectos


- El evento profesional, que tendrá lugar en línea del 14 al 16 de abril, busca películas europeas y lituanas en preparación y talentos emergentes de la región y más allá

El e-Meeting Point – Vilnius espera sus nuevos proyectos

Este artículo está disponible en inglés.

The next edition of Meeting Point – Vilnius, the leading Lithuanian industry forum, will be entirely digital and will run from 14-16 April. The upcoming e-Meeting Point – Vilnius (eMPV) will offer a combination of digital initiatives: pitching forum, industry screenings, one-to-one meetings, panels and side inspirational events.

The international Coming Soon Work-in-Progress pitching forum, dedicated to up-and-coming directors, is seeking its next projects. The platform aims to discover, develop and support European talents and to build connections among different but not so distant macro-regions.

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A total of 20 projects currently in production or post-production from all over Europe, by debutant or sophomore directors and in any feature format – fiction, documentary, animation – will be selected. The creative teams will have their dedicated schedule of individual meetings with decision makers and specialised consultation with experts. The call’s deadline is set for 28 February (the online application form can be found here) and the eMPV International selection committee will announce the selected projects in mid-March. The best project will be presented with the Lithuanian Film Center MPV Award, a cash prize of €5,000, while other prizes will be announced soon.

Lithuanian projects that have either been selected in previous editions of MPV or are produced as majority or minority co-productions, can apply for the platform Industry Screenings. All formats are acceptable, and participants may submit a final cut, a rough cut, or film excerpts. This selection is focused on sales agents, press, programmers and professionals, and the films should schedule their possible premieres for 2021 or early 2022. The deadline is 28 February (the online application form can be found here) and the selection will be announced by the end of March.

Finally, Talents Nest, the MPV initiative that aims to explore and nurture young professionals, welcomes applicants hailing from the Baltic, former-Soviet and Caucasian countries. Screenwriters, directors, producers and film critics, even those who are yet to complete a film or publish an article, are eligible to apply. The goal of the initiative is to introduce these emerging professionals and to familiarise them with the audiovisual industry.

Up to three professionals from each country could potentially be selected and their schedule will include speed dating meetings, dedicated sessions with professionals, an access to all eMPV programmes, and further visibility on the official catalogue. Talent will be selected based on their motivation letter, while it is mandatory for participants to have an interest in the international audiovisual industry and to be ready to expand their networks. The deadline is set for 14 March (the application form is available here).

To clear out any doubts or help with the process, the MPV team will be available to arrange meetings for potential candidates from any of the sections before they submit their applications. Candidates need only contact

MPV is supported by the Lithuanian Film Center, Creative Europe Desk-Lithuania, Go Vilnius, in partnership with T-Port, Baltic Pitching Forum, Sunny Side of the Doc, When East Meets West, MIDPOINT Institute, MAIA Workshops and is under the patronage of Eurimages.

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(Traducción del inglés)

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