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MIDPOINT Shorts espera sus próximos proyectos


- El programa dedicado a los cortometrajes del MIDPOINT Institute ha abierto el periodo de envíos para su nueva edición, que durará hasta el 30 de junio

MIDPOINT Shorts espera sus próximos proyectos
Una edición anterior de MIDPOINT Shorts

Este artículo está disponible en inglés.

Organised by the MIDPOINT Institute, the MIDPOINT Shorts programme is dedicated to short fiction films that are currently in development. The call for the next edition has been opened, and creative teams of writers, directors and producers with professional or graduation short-film projects in development may apply.

The creative teams, which can be from all over the world, with a regional focus on Central and Eastern Europe, can apply to MIDPOINT Shorts, and the programme consists of group work and individual consultations focused on in-depth screenplay development and structural script consultancy. Furthermore, the training is being broadened to offer production strategy guidance, incorporate distribution strategies into the development process, and offer insights into financing, sales and festival strategies.

(El artículo continúa más abajo - Inf. publicitaria)

Headed up by short-film expert and director Pavel Marek, the MIDPOINT Shorts programme will start with an online kick-off workshop before the end of September. The next step will be an intensive residential workshop in Prague in mid-October. The second residential workshop will be held next January in Trieste in collaboration with When East Meets West and the Trieste Film Festival. During the last workshop, where the participants will acquire skills and knowledge regarding promotion, presentation and pitching, the projects will be showcased within the WEMW Co-Production Forum, followed by curated meetings with industry professionals.

Furthermore, thanks to a brand-new partnership, after entering the shooting phase, selected MIDPOINT Shorts project graduates will get the chance to attend the Focus WiP of Cannes Court Métrage.

The deadline for applications has been set as 30 June, and as expected, the programme schedule and the way the event will be organised will inevitably depend on any further developments in the coronavirus pandemic situation. For further information and to access the application form, please click here.

(El artículo continúa más abajo - Inf. publicitaria)

(Traducción del inglés)

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