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Antje Schneider prepara su documental David


- La película se centrará en la ambición de un director de hospital por innovar y ofrecer la mejor atención posible a sus pacientes

Antje Schneider prepara su documental David
El director de hospital David-Ruben Thies, protagonista de David (© Carsten Waldbauer)

Este artículo está disponible en inglés.

German filmmaker Antje Schneider is preparing her next film, David. The documentary will follow David-Ruben Thies, the manager of a county hospital in Germany, who has lofty ambitions. David wishes to put in place a new kind of hospital, one that resembles a comfortable hotel and in which everyone gets the best treatment regardless of their health-insurance coverage. Organic food, improved working conditions for the staff, and the implementation of innovative care concepts are all part of his vision for a better kind of hospital. The documentary will show the obstacles he has to face while trying to bring his dream to fruition, including one that nobody had anticipated: the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic.

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David is being produced by Kloos & Co Ost UG (Stefan Kloos) in co-production with ZDF/Das kleine Fernsehspiel. Its world sales are being handled by Berlin-based sales agent Rise and Shine (also Stefan Kloos).

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(Traducción del inglés)

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