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Toby Meakins finaliza el rodaje de su nuevo thriller de terror CURS>R


- La película, escrita por Simon Allen, está protagonizada por Asa Butterfield, Iola Evans y Eddie Marsan

Toby Meakins finaliza el rodaje de su nuevo thriller de terror CURS>R
El director Toby Meakins

Este artículo está disponible en inglés.

It’s a wrap for CURS>R, a new horror-thriller feature directed by Toby Meakins, and starring Asa Butterfield (the TV series Sex Education, Hugo, X+Y [+lee también:
ficha de la película
), Iola Evans (the TV series The 100) and Eddie Marsan (Still Life [+lee también:
entrevista: Uberto Pasolini
ficha de la película
, Mike Leigh’s films Vera Drake [+lee también:
ficha de la película
and Happy-Go-Lucky [+lee también:
ficha de la película
) in the leading roles.

(El artículo continúa más abajo - Inf. publicitaria)

The new project was shot on location in London and benefited from the British government’s Film and TV Production Restart Scheme. The story, penned by Simon Allen (the TV series The Watch and The Musketeers), centres on a broke college dropout (played by Evans) who, in pursuit of an unclaimed $125,000 prize, decides to play an obscure, 1980s survival computer game. But the game curses her, and she’s faced with dangerous choices and reality-warping challenges. After a series of unexpectedly terrifying moments, she realises she’s no longer playing for the money, but for her life. The game locks her into an inescapable cycle of mind-bending horror. The cast is rounded off by actors Robert Englund (best known as the iconic serial killer Freddy Krueger in the Nightmare on Elm Street horror franchise), Angela Griffin (the TV series Dun Breedin’), Kate Fleetwood (the TV series Brave New World), Ryan Gage (Adventures of a Mathematician [+lee también:
ficha de la película
) and Joe Bolland (the TV series The Trial of Christine Keeler).

CURS>R is being staged by Sebastien Raybaud and John Zois for Anton (UK) alongside Matthew James Wilkinson for Stigma Films (also UK). Simon Allen, Liza Glucoft and Nick Angel served as the executive producers, with Holly Hubsher also overseeing the project on behalf of Anton. Anton will handle the picture’s world sales and will present it at the upcoming Marché du Film in Cannes, in association with US outfit Endeavor Content.

(Traducción del inglés)

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