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Triin Ruumet prepara Dark Paradise


- La coproducción entre Estonia y Francia, que se estrenará el año que viene, sigue a una joven que descubre que la vida de su padre recientemente fallecido era una gran mentira

Triin Ruumet prepara Dark Paradise
El director Triin Ruumet (© Priit Mürk)

Este artículo está disponible en inglés.

Tallinn-born director Triin Ruumet is now working on her sophomore film, a drama entitled Dark Paradise. Her first feature, set in 1990s Estonia, The Days that Confused [+lee también:
entrevista: Triin Ruumet
ficha de la película
, was in the running for the East of the West Award at Karlovy Vary in 2016, and won six prizes at the 2017 Estonian Film and TV Awards (Best Film, Best Director, Best Editing, Best Cinematography, Best Sound and Best Lead Actor).

Her new effort, which she penned with Livia Ulman and Andris Feldmanis (both writers of the upcoming Cannes competition title Compartment No. 6 [+lee también:
entrevista: Juho Kuosmanen
ficha de la película
), has been described as a “poignant tale about Millennials” and follows a 27-year-old woman called Karmen, who discovers that her recently buried father was actually wallowing in debt and her whole life has been one big lie. When Karmen’s life free of responsibility starts to collapse, she takes out her feelings on her brother Viktor by disfiguring his face. At the centre of the film is a hedonistic lifestyle and the nihilistic search for love and intimacy.

(El artículo continúa más abajo - Inf. publicitaria)

The confirmed members of the main cast are Rea Lest, Jörgen Liik, Juhan Ulfsak, Maria Avdjusko, Kristo Viiding, Steffi Pähn and Liisa Saaremäel. The project’s technical crew includes DoP Erik Põllumaa (Rain [+lee también:
ficha de la película
, Scandinavian Silence [+lee también:
entrevista: Martti Helde
ficha de la película
, Portugal [+lee también:
ficha de la película
), production designer Matis Mäesalu (Rain, November [+lee también:
entrevista: Rea Lest
ficha de la película
, The Days that Confused) and costume designer Liis Plato (Rain, Portugal, The Days that Confused).

Dark Paradise is being produced by Elina Litvinova for Estonia’s Three Brothers and Jeremy Forni for France’s Chevaldeuxtrois. The film, currently in pre-production, will be ready for release in 2022. It has received support from the European Union’s Creative Europe – MEDIA programme, the Estonian Film Institute and the Cultural Endowment of Estonia.

(El artículo continúa más abajo - Inf. publicitaria)

(Traducción del inglés)

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