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INDUSTRIA / MERCADO Eslovaquia / Alemania

Munich Film Up! acoge sus primeros participantes


- El nuevo programa de tutoría y residencia recibirá seis directores llegados de Camerún, Alemania, India, Eslovenia, Suiza y Ucrania

Munich Film Up! acoge sus primeros participantes
Los primeros Munich Film Up! (de izquierda a derecha, desde arriba): Cyrielle Raingou, Loïc Hobi, Lana Bregar, Erec Brehmer, Pratik Thakare y Anastasiya Gruba

Este artículo está disponible en inglés.

As was announced during the 2021 Cannes Film Festival (see the news), Munich Film Up!, an eight-month mentoring and residency programme, has been launched. Slovakia's Pop Up Film Residency is the exclusive creative partner, and the programme is an initiative by HFF München in partnership with Filmschoolfest Munich and the Filmfest München.

(El artículo continúa más abajo - Inf. publicitaria)

Munich Film Up! is designed to support six filmmakers – students or alumni fresh out of film schools – who are developing their professional feature-length debuts. It offers an individual plan specially designed to meet their specific needs. For the duration of the programme, each filmmaker is coached by Matthieu Darras, along with top-notch industry mentors.

The first edition is starting physically today, 17 November 2021, during the 40th Filmschoolfest Munich, and the programme will end next year, again in Munich, during the upcoming Filmfest München. A series of online consultations will take place during the coming months.

The participants will be presenting their projects for the first time, and will provide and receive feedback, as well as engage with colleagues from the film industry. Already at this meeting, they will exchange views with Christoph Gröner, artistic director of the Filmfest München, and Teodora Ana Mihai, director of La Civil [+lee también:
entrevista: Teodora Ana Mihai
ficha de la película
. It should be noted that each participant will benefit from Pop Up Film Residencies, planned for March 2022. The hosts of these residencies will include Romanian producer Ada Solomon, Lithuanian producer Marija Razgute and Palestinian director-producer Muayad Alayan.

The participants in the first edition of Munich Film Up! are:

Lana Bregar - Dark Head (Slovenia)
Film school: AGRFT Ljubljana

Erec Brehmer - Lightness and Weight (Germany)
Film school: HFF Munich

Anastasiya Gruba - Women Suicide Season (Ukraine)
Film school: Kyiv Karpenko-Kary University

Loïc Hobi - Crypto Lover (Switzerland/France)
Film school: Ecole de la Cité

Cyrielle Raingou - I’m Coming For You (Cameroon)
Film school: Doc Nomads Master

Pratik Thakare - A Midnight Meal (India)
Film school: Satyajit Ray Film & Television Institute (SRFTI)

Regarding the participants’ previous works, Lana Bregar’s short Otava was a semi-finalist for the Student Academy Award in 2021, Erec Brehmer’s graduation film La Palma [+lee también:
ficha de la película
was distributed in German cinemas and is now available on Netflix, Anastasiya Gruba co-wrote Simon Mozgovyi’s feature Chrysanthemum Day (in post-production), Loïc Hobi’s last short The Life Underground premiered at Locarno this year, Cyrielle Raingou studied documentary filmmaking and previously came to Munich for the Africa Residency in 2018, while Pratik Thakare saw his student film Annual Day selected in the competition of the Filmschoolfest Munich last year.

(El artículo continúa más abajo - Inf. publicitaria)

(Traducción del inglés)

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