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La 8a edición de Berlinale Co-Pro Series anuncia su selección


- La sección del Berlinale Co-Production Market ha invitado a diez nuevos proyectos de televisión internacionales para una presentación durante su próxima edición online

La 8a edición de Berlinale Co-Pro Series anuncia su selección
La directora Isabel Coixet, que estará detrás de la serie hispano-colombiana Picadero (© Zoe Sala Coixet/El Deseo)

Este artículo está disponible en inglés.

The eighth edition of Co-Pro Series is inviting ten promising projects to be presented to an audience of specialists, in an entirely online pitching session that will run from 15-16 February. The session is being curated by the Berlinale Co-Production Market, under the auspices of Martina Bleis, and is part of the Berlinale Series Market programme, which runs from 14-16 February (see the news).

(El artículo continúa más abajo - Inf. publicitaria)

Ten international series projects from Europe, Canada and Latin America are looking for suitable co-producers and financiers, and will be pitched on 15 February, in cooperation with the Norwegian Film Institute, which will host the presentation. After the pitch, the creators and producers will meet with interested partners.

Host country Germany has one project, The Report, which is the first series by Match Factory Productions, based on a political murder case in Lebanon that is to be solved by an international team of investigators, written by Ben von Rönne (Toter Winkel). From Belgium, This Is Not a Murder Mystery is a whodunnit story riddled with surrealist motifs and elements, aiming to bring René Magritte to life in 1930s London. It is directed by Hans Herbots and Matthias Lebeer.

The Nordic region is in the spotlight with three projects: Spin Control from Finland, directed by Alli Haapasalo (whose upcoming feature Girl Picture [+lee también:
entrevista: Alli Haapasalo
ficha de la película
will premiere at Sundance and then travel to the Berlinale’s Generation), in which Seidi Haarla (Compartment No. 6 [+lee también:
entrevista: Juho Kuosmanen
ficha de la película
) plays an environmental PR consultant; Winterland from Denmark, which is based on the bestseller of the same name by successful crime novelists Janni Pedersen and Kim Faber, and is produced by Nimbus Film, the creators of the Nordic noir series The Bridge; and Nowheresville, set in the Norwegian hinterland, where some young female podcasters chase a cat-killer and struggle with the process of growing up in the provinces (produced by Hummelfilm, best known for Occupied).

The Italian series Belcanto is set in the Napoleonic era and in the times of early opera, created by Mariano Di Nardo, Antonio Manca and Federico Fava, while The Attachment Theory from the Czech Republic, which will be directed by Olmo Omerzu, recalls a real-life case of manipulation, identity fraud and confusion (see the news). The Promised Land is a thriller by award-winning Argentinian director and co-writer Emiliano Torres, and is the first-ever Latin American Co-Pro Series project, whereas You Are Obsolete from Canada is an adaptation of the Aftershock graphic novel.

Finally, as is the case every year, one project is being brought along in partnership with Séries Mania, and this time around, it’s the Spanish-Colombian series Picadero, which takes place in Barcelona and is partly directed by Isabel Coixet. The team behind it is hoping to find further distribution partners at Co-Pro Series, and the show will subsequently continue its journey in Lille in March.

The projects selected for Co-Pro Series 2022 are as follows:

The Attachment Theory
Showrunner: Radovan Síbrt
Creators: Miro Šifra, Lucie Vaňková
Director: Olmo Omerzu
Producer: Pink (Czech Republic)

Creators: Mariano Di Nardo, Antonio Manca, Federico Fava
Producer: Lucky Red (Italy)

Creators: Caroline B Arnesen, Rebecca W Kjellmann
Director: Rebecca W Kjellmann
Producer: Hummelfilm (Norway)

Picadero (in cooperation with Séries Mania)
Writers: Almudena Monzú, Mauricio Leiva Cock
Director: Isabel Coixet
Producers: Amor Y Lujo, Zeta Studios (Spain), Fidelio Films (Colombia)

The Promised Land
Writers: Paula Eleod, Marcelo Chaparro, Emiliano Torres
Director: Emiliano Torres
Producer: Gaman Cine (Argentina)

The Report
Writer: Ben von Rönne
Producer: Match Factory Productions (Germany)

Spin Control
Writer: Kaisa Pylkkänen
Director: Alli Haapasalo
Producer: Tuffi Films (Finland)

This Is Not a Murder Mystery
Original idea: Matthias Lebeer, Christophe Dirickx
Writers: Christophe Dirickx, Paul Baeten
Directors: Hans Herbots, Matthias Lebeer
Producer: Panenka (Belgium)

Writers: Pauline Wolff, Jörgen Hjerdt
Producer: Nimbus Film (Denmark)

You Are Obsolete
Creator: Steve Cochrane
Producer: Sienna Films (Canada)

(El artículo continúa más abajo - Inf. publicitaria)

(Traducción del inglés)

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